Summer 2025: Apply by Monday 23rd September and Save £625
Summer 2025: Apply by 23rd Sep and Save £625
Summer 2025: Apply by 23rd Sep and Save £625

Program 3: Summer 2018 – Day 2

Today started with more exciting classes! Psychology students went to the escape room, it provided them with a fun and interactive way of learning about humans cope under pressure, while having a great time working out complex tasks. Meanwhile, the English Literature students made the most of the wonderful weather, and spent the morning discussing…
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Program 2: Summer 2018 – Day 1

Today was a massive day for everyone at Reach Cambridge! After a good night’s sleep, everyone woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed, ready for their first full day. A hearty group breakfast in both colleges gave students the energy they needed for their first classes. There is a huge variety of classes available at…
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Program 1: Summer 2018 – Day 2

Another great day at Reach Cambridge! After a filling breakfast, the students headed to another exciting dayy of classes. All of the students are really engaging in the lessons, and we are so excited to see the progress they are already making! After class, the students headed into town for lunch and more sightseeing, seizing…
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Spring 2018: Day 10

Despite the rain lashing down first thing in the morning, Thursday began with a traditional English breakfast at a local restaurant for all of our students. This gave those who had not been here for week 1 the chance to sample a full breakfast, with Kate on hand to provide a series of fun facts…
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12 Days of Reach


Twelve Days of Reach: From 3rd – 15th December 2017, save an extra £120 off your Reach Cambridge application! This can be used alongside other discounts to make for a...
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10: TWELVE DAYS OF REACH – Our Ten Favourite Student Photos!

We absolutely love seeing the wonderful photos that students take during their time with us. Sometimes, we love these photos so much that we repost them on our Instagram page! So here are our top ten favourite reposts. You can see more on our Instagram page. Especially over this next ten days, we want to…
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Instagram scavenger hunt

Program 1: Explorer 2017 – Day 1

Today was our first full day of the Reach Program – and we had so much fun! The day began with a lovely breakfast in the fancy college dining halls. Students then were able to explore their subject in the first classes of the program. From psychology to economics, the students spent the morning doing…
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Kings College Chapel

What Makes Reach Cambridge Unique?

As a centre of learning and excellence, populated by fascinating academics and beautiful historical buildings, it’s no wonder that Cambridge is a popular destination for international summer schools. Because of this, a question we are often asked is: What makes Reach Cambridge unique? As we prepare to meet our first cohort of students next week,…
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Community Outreach

Spring Program: Day 11

Another amazing day in Cambridge for all of us! The morning started off with a scrumptious traditional cooked breakfast at Cote Brasserie followed by a great Community Outreach session run by Katie from Sabre ( a charity dedicated to building a brighter future for school children in Ghana. We have worked with Sabre for many…
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Spring Program: Day 10

Today was the ‘subject-specific’ day in Reach Hall, where students were divided up according to the subjects they elected to study during their time with us. For some of the students, this was their second full day immersing themselves in their subjects. For those who joined us on Saturday, this was their first experience of…
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