Summer 2025: Apply by Saturday 31st August and Save £700
Summer 2025: Apply by 31st Aug and Save £700
Summer 2025: Apply by 31st Aug and Save £700

Program 3: Summer 2018 – Day 9

Today was a day packed with class activities! The Biotechnology students travelled to the Pharmacology Department for some hands on experience in the university environment. The English Literature students travelled to Grantchester, a small village outside of Cambridge to experience the environment in which many of the poems they had been studying was written about….
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Program 3: Summer 2018 – Day 4

Although the weather in Cambridge may have been grey and gloomy, Day 4 brought even more fun and educational activities for our students! Today included many stimulating classes and experiences, starting with the Business Management and Economics students, who made an exciting trip to the ‘escape room’, and learned about the art of science and…
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Program 3: Summer 2018 – Day 3

What a busy day our Reachers had today! To start off the day, while most of our students headed into their normal classes, our Life Sciences and Medicine students were getting ready to go spend their day in London! After a quick train ride there, they headed down to visit the Association of Anaesthetists and…
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Program 3: Summer 2018 – Day 2

Today started with more exciting classes! Psychology students went to the escape room, it provided them with a fun and interactive way of learning about humans cope under pressure, while having a great time working out complex tasks. Meanwhile, the English Literature students made the most of the wonderful weather, and spent the morning discussing…
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Program 2: Summer 2018 – Day 11

The penultimate day of the program was full of some wonderful tunes and sights. Classes brought with them new and exciting opportunities to get out of the classroom. The Psychology class made their way to the escape rooms, racing against the clock and each other to gain a prize as well as overall bragging rights….
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Program 2: Summer 2018 – Day 9

This morning our students began class bright and early, with such a wide range of subjects on offer the subject classes were full of exciting projects. The Biotechnology class worked to extract DNA from strawberries using a chemical reaction, whilst the Engineering class created bridges to examine the practical realities of the theory they had…
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Summer 2018: Program 2 – Day 7

Reach students enjoyed a good lie-in this morning after an exciting and packed weekend in London. By the time the sun had reached it’s highest point in the sky, students were up,  energetic and enthusiastic for their afternoon lessons! One class constructed a bridge out of newspapers and tested its ability to withstand weight. Another…
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