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Summer 2025: Apply by 28th Oct and Save £500
Summer 2025: Apply by 28th Oct and Save £500

Program 3: Summer 2018 - Day 8

Dance Class

After an eventful, exciting, but exhausting weekend of excursions, the students were treated this morning to a well-deserved lie-in. With classes not starting until 1pm (usually 9am), we all were given the time to get fully rejuvenated for the start of Week 2!! And what a week it is set out to be: with activities including Capture the Flag, the Talent Show, mock interviews and 5-a-side football, it’s going to be a great week for the competitive, sporty, and academic alike! At 1pm, the students were ready and full of energy to get stuck into their classes once again. The excitement for today included Game Theory in Business, DNA extraction in Life Sciences, Gothic Horror in English Lit, an introduction to Graph Theory in Maths and Astrophysics in Physics (star formation, the Big Bang etc). And even thought classes took place in the afternoon, it did not stop our incredibly committed students from using the time in between class and dinner to fulfil their Charity Auction promises. Fara made sure to share her dance expertise with a willing group of young women, with an introduction to contemporary dance. The Reach evening lecture tonight was on the topic of “Class, Crime and the British Empire”, it was delivered by this week’s visiting Politics teacher, and the students asked many questions at the end. After this fascinating and engaging lecture, the students experienced a Reach classic: The World Fair!  

The Lecture

At Reach, the students are given opportunities to be taught by great teachers and lecturers who extend their learning, see some amazing parts of Cambridge and the rest of the UK on their excursions, and have tons of fun making new friends in their daily activities. Further to all of that is the awesome opportunity to meet fellow teenagers from all over the world. Tonight we celebrated this at the World Fair, an event which gave students the chance to share some of their favourite parts of their own cultures, of life back home, with the rest of us here. It was great to see so many students participating by making posters and giving small presentations about their home countries. The evening was kicked off with the UK presentation, given by supervisors Ben and myself (Matt). We explained the national flag, got the students to name some British celebrities, shared ‘bare’ British slang, and had a quiz for some popular landmarks. After briefly learning about the country we’re all in now, the students took to the stage to showcase a total of 12 other countries from around the world. Written by Matt Arnold, Supervisor