Summer 2025: Apply by Monday 28th October and Save £500
Summer 2025: Apply by 28th Oct and Save £500
Summer 2025: Apply by 28th Oct and Save £500

10: TWELVE DAYS OF REACH - Our Ten Favourite Student Photos!

We absolutely love seeing the wonderful photos that students take during their time with us. Sometimes, we love these photos so much that we repost them on our Instagram page! So here are our top ten favourite reposts. You can see more on our Instagram page. Especially over this next ten days, we want to fill our Instagram with Reach love. If you’d like your photo from Reaches gone by to be reposted, tag us @reachcambridge, and/or use the hashtag #reachcambridge2017! We’d also love to see screenshots of Facetimes with friends you made at Reach, photos of scrapbooks, and much more – the more creative, the better!

1. Beautiful sunsets make for beautiful memories.

How could we not be dazzled by that sky, and that lovely friendship?

2. Spell it Out!

Bonus points for creativity, and the extra effort these students took to make sure their intention was completely clear.

3. Representing Reach!

This is alumna Rhyleigh rocking the Reach Cambridge hoodie!

4. Time to stop and smell the flowers…

We’re always thrilled to see our students take advantage of their beautiful surroundings as a Photo Op!

5. Keeping the Reach love alive.

Tina made us shed a tiny tear with her sweetly created ode to her Reach friends.

6. Shake it like a polaroid picture!

It’s not everyday you see a polaroid of DNA! Great job, Maria.

7. Right on, Brighton!

Cambridge is a gorgeous place, but we’re just as glad to see students enjoying the other places we take them on our various excursions around the UK!

8. Keepsakes.

Photos, AND memories in the form of receipts – for Benets Cafe, one of the best ice cream places in the city, no less? We’re sold.

9. Friends for a lifetime, made at Reach.

It’s the caption that really does it for us (no, YOU’RE crying).

10. We Did It!

A great celebratory photo of this school group waving their certificates of completion high. Well done, all!

What memories will YOU make?

Twelve Days of Reach: From 3rd – 15th December 2017, save an extra £120 off your Reach Cambridge application! This can be used alongside other discounts to make for a huge discount. Quote discount code ‘TWELVE’.