Summer 2025: Apply by Monday 21st October and Save £525
Summer 2025: Apply by 21st Oct and Save £525
Summer 2025: Apply by 21st Oct and Save £525
Talent Show

Program 3: Scholar 2017 – Day 10

Whilst the weather started off rainy today, by mid-morning it was blazing sunshine in Cambridge and we were all ready to start another jam-packed day at Reach! In class, the students experienced the usual wide variety of lessons and experiences. In Medical Sciences the students learnt about sport chemistry, the psychology students studied language and…
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Program 3: Scholar 2017 – Day 9

Today’s program included a number of exciting academic classes and excursions. The Medical Sciences and Chemistry class headed to Cambridge’s renowned Botanical Gardens where they took part in a plant treasure hunt, locating and identifying various plant species in the beautiful sunshine!  The English Literature class travelled to the nearby village of Granchester where they…
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Physics Excursion

Program 3: Scholar 2017 – Day 8

Today was a busy day at Reach with plenty of exciting activities and lectures going on! As usual we started the day with a lovely breakfast at Downing College and Trinity hall. Various interesting lectures were taking place today! We had the Psychology students analysing brain scans, the Biotechnology class studying drug discovery and design,…
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Mock Interview Workshop

Program 3: Scholar 2017 – Day 7

This morning, the Biotechnology class visited a company in Royston which specialises in making bioreactors (vats in which antibodies/ drugs are cultured) as well as some of the smaller versions used for drug/antibody research. All involved said it was very interesting and informative! After classes were done for the day, students had the choice of…
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Program 3: Scholar 2017 – Day 6

Today students  had the chance to explore the other place…Oxford!! A city in the South East of England, Oxford is renowned for having the oldest university in the English-speaking world. Coined by Poet Arnold, Oxford is known as the ‘city of dreaming spires’. The students spent the morning in the Natural History Museum, which was…
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Program 3: Scholar 2017 – Day 5

It was an early morning start (7:30!) for Reach Cambridge today as we got ready to go to the beautiful Hampton Court Palace. We were all excited to visit the world-famous palace where Henry VIII resided. After a quick breakfast at Downing and Trinity Hall we set off on the buses towards London. Upon arrival,…
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Program 3: Scholar 2017 – Day 3

Today’s Biotechnology ‘Reachers’ had the opportunity to extract, amplify and study their very own DNA! The practical took place in the University of Cambridge’s Department of Biochemistry, and allowed the students to experience first hand polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and gel electrophoresis, fundamental and hugely important techniques in molecular biology. Meanwhile, the Economics class also…
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Tshirt Painting

Program 3: Scholar 2017 – Day 2

Day two of the Reach Scholar program began with a diverse academic schedule. The Law class went on an excursion to Cambridge Crown Court, getting the opportunity to sit in on local cases; the Biotechnology class learned about a unique form of cancer suffered only by Tasmanian Devils; and the Psychology class studied the mental…
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Program 3: Scholar 2017 – Day 1

Today marked the first official day at the Reach Cambridge Scholar Program and we’re all very excited! The day began with a lovely breakfast in both Downing and Trinity Hall and from there the students made their way to their classes. Great friendships were already being made as the students chatted on their walk to…
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Bus to Cambridge

Program 3: Scholar 2017 – Arrivals Day!

It seems just a blink of the eye ago that we were welcoming our first cohort of students to their college accommodation. Yet, here we are: it’s Program 3, our final program of the summer, and boy are we excited!  As usual, the day started particularly early for some. Teams Heathrow and Gatwick left Cambridge in…
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Students in Class

Program 2: Leader 2017 – Day 12

The last day of the Leader program at Reach Cambridge was a mixture of ‘summertime sadness’ and ‘holiday happiness’. Students were full of excitement and enthusiasm and they reflected on the past two weeks of academic and recreational exploration. Even though, sadly, the program had come to an end, the vast majority of students had…
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Kings College

Program 2: Leader 2017 – Day 11

The Penultimate Day, and what a day it was indeed! The day began with classes as usual, but this time with a twist! Business and Economics, along with their teacher, took off to Kings’ College for a once in-a-program opportunity to have a tour of the college. At the same time, the Law students travelled to Cambridge…
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