Summer 2025: Apply by Saturday 31st August and Save £700
Summer 2025: Apply by 31st Aug and Save £700
Summer 2025: Apply by 31st Aug and Save £700

A day at Leicester Space Centre

The day after a fun-filled trip to Ely and its stunning cathedral on Saturday, on Sunday our students hit the road again and this time they allowed me to come along for the ride. Our destination was the National Space Centre in Leicester. The space centre did not disappoint, providing both the history of the…
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A day at Leicester Space Centre

The day after a fun-filled trip to Ely and its stunning cathedral on Saturday, on Sunday our students hit the road again and this time they allowed me to come along for the ride. Our destination was the National Space Centre in Leicester. The space centre did not disappoint, providing both the history of the…
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A day at Leicester Space Centre

The day after a fun-filled trip to Ely and its stunning cathedral on Saturday, on Sunday our students hit the road again and this time they allowed me to come along for the ride. Our destination was the National Space Centre in Leicester. The space centre did not disappoint, providing both the history of the…
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A day at Leicester Space Centre

The day after a fun-filled trip to Ely and its stunning cathedral on Saturday, on Sunday our students hit the road again and this time they allowed me to come along for the ride. Our destination was the National Space Centre in Leicester. The space centre did not disappoint, providing both the history of the…
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A visit to the Houses of Parliament and the Cabinet War Rooms

August 1st was the perfect day to go on a trip to London, as it was one of the sunniest, warmest days of the year! In keeping with our Global Leaders week, we started the day by having a look at 10 Downing Street, where the Prime Minister lives. You can’t get very close because…
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Buckingham Palace – The Global Leaders Program Begins!

No sooner had everyone arrived safely in Cambridge, than we were off on our first Reach outing – London! And what a lovely time to visit – less than a week after our future king was born (Prince George of Cambridge, no less!), London was still buzzing with excitement. After meeting our brilliant tour guide…
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London: Take One!

Last Sunday we took advantage of a beautiful day and journeyed to London. Half of the group explored Tate Modern and took in Macbeth at the Globe Theatre, while the other half enjoyed a morning at Greenwich, followed by a river cruise down the Thames to Southbank in the afternoon. Greenwich and Southbank Group: Greenwich…
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Beach fun at Brighton!

On Saturday the 6th of July, Reach Cambridge students were enthused to hear that they would be visiting Brighton, often referred to as London-By-The-Sea. Visitors can escape city life and take a break on its pebbly shores, as well as experiencing unforgettable adrenaline rushes on the roller coasters at the legendary Pier. Reach Cambridge students did…
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A perfect day for punting

One of the highlights every summer for Reach students—and any visitor to Cambridge for that matter—is the chance to punt on the Cam River.  Frequently confused with a gondola, a punt is a flat bottomed boat that is propelled by a pole, rather than an oar, and thus can be great fun for novices to try…
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Anglesey Abbey – An escape from the city

A few miles outside of Cambridge lies Anglesey Abbey. Originally built as a priory in the twelfth century, it has since been converted by the Fairhavens (a wealthy American family in the early twentieth century) into a stunning country house bordered by pretty gardens. The estate provided the students with a welcome retreat from the…
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