Summer 2025: Apply by Monday 21st October and Save £525
Summer 2025: Apply by 21st Oct and Save £525
Summer 2025: Apply by 21st Oct and Save £525
Search FAQ:  

Reach Cambridge has been successfully running summer schools and study programs in Cambridge since 2005. It is a private company that specialises in study courses and is entirely independent of the University of Cambridge. Broadly speaking, our staff divides into three departments - academic, supervisory and senior staff. Our teaching body is made up of Fellows, Professors, researchers, post-graduates, and specialists in their field; many of our academic staff are working or studying at high-level academic institutions such as Cambridge, Oxford or London universities.

The supervisory department is made up mainly of Cambridge University students with an intimate knowledge of the city, the University and its workings. The senior staff bring together many years of experience in international schools, Cambridge University and the European education system.

At Reach Cambridge, the safety and welfare of students is our number one priority, and our experienced staff team work together to ensure that our students have the opportunity to grow in confidence and enjoy their independence in a safe and supervised environment. Parents can be understandably cautious about sending their children abroad for a study program, and so a member of our senior staff would be more than willing to answer any questions and allay any concerns over the phone. If you would like to speak to a member of the senior staff, please use our contact form, email us at or phone us on +44 8708 031 732.


What experience does Reach Cambridge have in running academic programs?

Reach Cambridge has been providing academic residential study programs in the historic city of Cambridge since 2005. We have gone from strength to strength and welcomed thousands of students from around the world to our programs.

Our focus has remained on Cambridge throughout the years, so we have an in-depth knowledge of the city and a great relationship with the university's colleges. Many of our supervisory and teaching staff return year on year, committed to offering our students the experience of a lifetime within a safe, positive and inspiring environment.

The senior staff team has extensive knowledge of the education world and travel industry, as well as many years of invaluable first-hand experience of the University of Cambridge and British education systems. This, combined with years of promoting further education to the international community, makes Reach Cambridge a superior choice for a residential study program.

In addition to our many years of experience, Reach Cambridge is accredited by the British Accreditation Council who provide a comprehensive quality assurance scheme for independent further and higher education in the UK. This is a testimony to the high standards we set ourselves regarding the planning, preparation and procedures we follow to ensure the health, safety and welfare of our students and staff.

What does your Latin motto mean?

‘Sic Itur Ad Astra’ is a line from Virgil’s Aeneid and means ‘Thus Reach For The Stars,’ which is a sentiment we believe in at Reach Cambridge and pass on to our students.

What is Reach Cambridge's mission?

Since 2005, Reach Cambridge has given thousands of young people from all over the world the opportunity to prepare for the future in a university environment Based in the historic city of Cambridge, our inspiring and varied program comprises academic subject courses, group activities, lectures and excursions.

Our team is dedicated to offering our students the international experience of a lifetime within a safe, positive and inspiring community.

Why Reach Cambridge?

Top 5 reasons our students will never forget their Reach Cambridge experience…

  1. Academic Excellence: Learn from leading scholars and experts; engage with dynamic classes, lectures and workshops.
  2. Inspiring Surroundings: Live, learn and grow in the historic and world-famous University City of Cambridge.
  3. Excursions & Activities: Explore the UK with culturally enriching excursions and engage in fun, inclusive activities.
  4. International Experience: Meet people from all over the world, learn about different cultures and make friends for life.
  5. The Perfect Balance: Manage your own free time and balance it with your studies. Grow in confidence, understanding and independence.

What is not included in the price?

It is important to note that, unlike some summer schools, the vast majority of items on Reach Cambridge are included: All excursions, lectures, theatre trips, workshops and tuition are included.

The main exclusions are as follows:

  • Flights - These should be booked independently
  • Some meals – Weekdays are half board (2 meals a day). This allows students more freedom to explore Cambridge city centre and sample the many food options on offer for their third meal. On weekend excursion days we provide breakfast only.
  • Spending money – Students should bring an allowance for shopping, free time etc.
  • Visas - Please see our Terms & Conditions for further information.

Can parents visit?

Parents are more than welcome to visit, though we do ask that they let senior staff know in advance and sign in and out at the program . Students may leave the program for a pre-arranged period with close family, in which case an exeat form will need to be completed, although it is worth bearing in mind that you will be very busy during the program. The ideal situation is for family trips to be scheduled before or after the program. Students may leave the program with the agreement of Reach Cambridge senior staff and the permission of their parent/guardian in order to visit a family friend or relative who is an adult over 25 years old. Students are released from the care of Reach Cambridge during the Exeat period, and Reach Cambridge can accept no responsibility for students during that time. Permission must be received in writing at least 48 hours before the trip and must specify the name, address and contact number of the friend or relative.

How much spending money do I need?

This will vary from person to person. Students will need money primarily for their lunches, incidentals and souvenirs. Something in the region of ~£200 per week should be sufficient, although some students do enjoy the wide array of shops in Cambridge and on the trips to London!

Which Reach Cambridge academic course should I choose?

In all of our programs, students choose an academic course to study in the mornings. All of the programs include the main features at the heart of a Reach Cambridge program: academic sessions with researchers, fellows and lecturers from Cambridge and other prestigious universities, pre-college preparation, lectures, workshops, activities and excursions. So the good news is that whichever subject course you choose, you won't miss out on these key elements. We offer a range of Sciences, Social Sciences and the Arts & Humanities courses, from English Literature to Law, and from Physics & Engineering to Computer Science & Maths there is something for everyone! You can find out more about our Course options here.

During the summer programs, we also have a range of Taster course subjects to supplement the academic courses. If you want to work on a project that makes a difference, whilst gaining Community Outreach hours, then the Community Outreach course is for you. You can find out more about all our Taster courses here.

Are Reach Cambridge programs like summer camp?

Yes and no. In that our programs are all about building a thriving community, Reach Cambridge is similar to summer camps. However there are many differences - not least that we encourage students to reach out of the Reach Cambridge community as well as reach into it. Explore the city of Cambridge in your lunchtimes. Interact with the Cambridge students that are around you out of workshop and class time. Make the most of the extensive grounds and facilities that the Campus has to offer.

Will I have fun?

Yes! With so many like-minded students around you, a committed staff and a superior schedule of classes, activities, lectures, workshops and excursions, your time in Cambridge will be full of fun. That is not to say that there will not be challenges, settling into a different culture anywhere in the world can sometimes be difficult. However, with our attentive staff and the friends you will inevitably make almost immediately, these challenges can be easily overcome. Discover even more about our programs on our Reach Experience webpage here.

What about medical insurance?

We are delighted to say that our summer school students benefit from International Student Travel Insurance cover, which is included in the course fees. Visit our Insurance page to find out more.

Please read the Policy Information on the Insurance page carefully, paying particular attention to what is covered and any exclusions. You are responsible for ensuring that the Policy is suitable for your needs, and you may wish to take out additional insurance as required.

Please note that this cover applies to individuals, and not to those students who are attending as part of a school group or are enrolled on a bespoke course. We strongly recommend that these groups make their own arrangements for comprehensive medical and travel insurance.

How safe are the dormitories?

All of the accommodation is in the centre of Cambridge, a small and very safe city. Reach Cambridge staff are on hand 24 hours a day and live alongside the students on-site at all times. All of the supervisory staff are first-aid trained.

Upon arrival, students are given a welcome talk, which further outlines the key aspects of health and safety to be aware of, and adhere to, during their time on the program. In addition, all students are encourage to take sensible actions to help such as locking their bedrooms and keeping their windows closed when they are not in their bedrooms.

What happens if I break one of the rules?

One of the aims on a Reach Cambridge program is to encourage independence. There are not very many rules, but the ones we do have are strictly enforced. Students will sign up to the rules and regulations on application, but the main rules are as follows:

Students must attend all classes; you must report to your supervisor at curfew; you cannot leave your dormitory after curfew; you may not possess or consume alcohol or drugs; you must treat other students, staff and the public with respect.

The consequences for breaking one of the rules vary depending on the circumstances. However, particularly in the case of alcohol or drug related misconduct, the penalty can be severe: should a student violate any of the rules and regulations of the program, Reach Cambridge have the right to dismiss and repatriate them at their own expense without refund of the program fee (see our Terms & Conditions for more information)

What supervisory staff do you have?

Our inspiring team of teachers work closely with our Director of Curriculum to provide the highest quality subject courses. Many of our teachers are working or studying at high-level academic institutions such as the Universities of Cambridge, Oxford or London. They usually are Professors, researchers and postgraduates, all of whom are specialists in their field. We also draw upon practising professionals to share their expertise and experiences. Here at Reach, our teachers have significant autonomy in creating their courses so that they can utilise their expertise fully.

At Reach Cambridge, the safety and welfare of our students is our number one priority. Our experienced senior staff work together with our supervisors and teachers to ensure that our students have the opportunity to grow in confidence and enjoy their independence in a safe and supervised environment. Many of our staff are first-aid trained and we have dedicated welfare staff, all of whom operate under clear procedures and guidelines to ensure that we can provide the students with the highest level of care and support.

All Reach Cambridge activities and excursions are supervised, and Reach Cambridge senior staff and supervisors live on-site alongside the students and are available 24 hours a day. Many of our supervisors are current undergraduates and are the students' first point of contact to attend to their questions or concerns. Upon arrival, students are given a welcome talk, which outlines curfew times, program structure and safety procedures. All students are given emergency cards with the contact details of the Reach staff and the students' accommodation. Students must carry these emergency cards at all times.

Are there laundry facilities?

Yes. All students have access to washing machines on-site.

What clothes should I bring and how much luggage?

We recommend that you bring casual clothing and comfortable footwear for regular use, sports clothing (optional), at least one dressier outfit for special occasions like the Departure Party, a hat, and a waterproof coat. Clothes should be appropriate for an academic environment. We recommend that students flying to the UK check their luggage allowance with their airline before departing. We will include further details of what to bring in a Welcome Pack sent out to students prior to the program.

Do I need to bring a mobile/cell phone?

Students are required to have a cell phone for use in case of emergency. Every student will be allocated an Emergency Card with a list of emergency contact numbers, which they are expected to carry at all times. Some students choose to buy a pay-as-you-go cell phone upon arrival in Cambridge, and many bring their own phone from home. Phones are not to be used during class time or during the lectures and workshops.
Yes, bringing a laptop is highly recommended for your summer courses. It will be essential for accessing course materials and participating in interactive learning activities. Having a personal laptop will enable students to fully benefit from the resources provided during the summer school sessions.


What if I get sick?

Should a student need to see a doctor there are a number of local GP surgeries close to the accommodation. For any more serious situations, Addenbrooke's Hospital - one of the top hospitals in the UK - is also within easy reach. Supervisors and senior staff are first aid trained and are available 24hrs a day to make sure any students that get sick are taken care of and kept comfortable. Please see our Insurance page for more information about costs for medical treatment.

What about food?

Half board is included in the program price, with either breakfast and lunch or breakfast and dinner each day, apart from the excursion days, where it will be Bed and Breakfast. Students will have the opportunity to eat together on campus, as well as to explore Cambridge city centre with its wide variety of restaurants, cafes and tea rooms.  Please inform us of any allergies or dietary requirements before the program so we can ensure that we can cater for you.

How do you decide which students are put on which floors / staircases?

We match students together on corridors and in rooms based on their age, the course they are taking, and we will also take into account any requests to share with friends made before the program. Each corridor will comprise a mixture of nationalities, creating a culturally diverse environment.

Are boys and girls housed separately?

Yes. We assign girls and boys to separate staircases or floors, each with a resident supervisor. These supervisors are available 24 hours a day. There is a curfew and at this time, students must sign in with their supervisor and remain on their floor until 7am the following morning.

Do I get to choose the person I share a room with?

All students will be accommodated in either a single room or shared room. Reach Cambridge cannot guarantee any shared rooming requests but we will do our best to accommodate them where possible. Only requests submitted via the student's online account in the rooming request section will be considered; phone call and email requests to Reach Cambridge staff are not considered valid.

Does every student have their own room?

All students will be accommodated in either a single or shared room. Single rooms are only guaranteed by paying for the Single Room Guarantee; please note that this does not constitute a room upgrade - all rooms are standard student accommodation with shared bathrooms.

Where will I live?

Reach Cambridge students experience a real taste of student living in one of the world’s most famous and historic university cities. All students reside in college accommodation of one of the 31 colleges that make up the University of Cambridge.

Students are accommodated in same-sex dormitories of single or shared rooms. All students have access to shared bathroom facilities. Students are grouped on their corridor or staircase with others of the same gender and a similar age, but a diverse mixture of courses and nationalities, allowing them to make friends from across the world!

The rooms are not en-suite however there are plenty of bathroom facilities on each corridor or staircase.

Reach Cambridge staff are resident on site in case of emergencies and to give support to the students 24 hours a day, alongside the College porters and housekeeping staff.

Will my religious commitments be catered for?

Reach Cambridge welcomes students of all faiths. We make the effort to cater for individual needs, and the most expedient course is for students to advise us of their specific needs ahead of time. We prefer that students attend religious services out of class times and so schedule classes and compulsory activities so as to avoid conflict. This is not always possible and although we discourage students from missing class, it is permitted under these circumstances. Where Kosher or Halal food is not available (for instance, in the college dining halls), there is often enough of a selection of other foods for a student to get by (such as vegetarian food). Alternatively, students can purchase their own meals from the wide range of shops and restaurants in Cambridge.

Do I need to bring a friend?

There is no need to bring a friend. In fact, sometimes students find it easier to make new friends when they attend alone. If you would like to attend with a friend or a relative, it is always nice to have a familiar face around the campus. Either way, the social activities, the structure of the program and the free time you have will make it incredibly easy to make friends.

Where do students come from?

Our programs are open to all international students and we usually welcome students from over 50 different countries. Although students taking different subject courses will be engaged in different ways at points during the day, we bring students from all courses together on a daily basis for activities, excursions, lectures and workshops.
We take great pride in the truly international environment that we have at Reach Cambridge. In the past, countries represented have included: USA, Canada, Singapore, Haiti, China, Switzerland, Pakistan, Trinidad & Tobago, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Ghana, Qatar, France, Greece, Belgium, Spain, Russia, Brazil, Lebanon, India, Jordan, Romania, England, Germany, Guatemala, Australia plus many more.

Do you cater for students with disabilities?

Reach Cambridge aims to provide a suitable environment to meet each student's individual needs taking into account the resources available and the physical restraints we work within. All students have the opportunity to define their own special needs, difficulties and disabilities at registration.

Reach Cambridge, in conjunction with the colleges, will make best efforts to accommodate the specific needs of students. However, given the nature and age of most campuses, buildings are not always adapted to accommodate students with mobility issues.

Reach Cambridge undertakes to refer students for independent specialist diagnostic testing where appropriate. When confirmed by independent specialist assessment, Reach Cambridge also undertakes to provide specialist support, where agreed, appropriate and possible.

In all cases, please get in touch before application so we can discuss what might reasonably be done to accommodate your needs. You can email us on or call us on +44 8708 031 732.

Will I receive a certificate at the end of the program?

All students receive a certificate of attendance no matter which program they have attended. If you are taking a Credit class, you will receive your final grade directly from the school board.

What is the average class size?

Class sizes vary according to subject but are generally kept small, to encourage curiosity and participation, while also ensuring that students are able to develop strong friendships with their peers and participate actively in group discussions.

Who are the faculty?

Reach Cambridge combines the world-class knowledge and critical-thinking teaching style of Cambridge academics and the exceptional classroom experience of our teachers, with the most recent pedagogical techniques tailored to young people. The majority of our teachers are academics, lecturers and PhD students from Cambridge University or other top academic institutions.

Can I get credit if I am not taking one of the Reach credit programs?

Although we do not award credits or formal qualifications for our courses, for all subjects, you will receive a Reach Cambridge certificate at the end of the program. This contains an overview of the course and some suggested further reading so the learning journey can extend beyond the summer. This may or may not be sufficient to earn you a Credit (check with your school in advance), but could certainly be mentioned in application to university.

How much time is spent working? Is there much homework?

While the structure of the subject courses depends on the program, in every program we maintain a good balance between work and play, activities run every day of the week, alongside excursions away from campus.

We have designed the courses to allow plenty of time for class discussion and interaction. Homework is kept to a minimum, although work that is set is expected to be completed to a high standard.

Do I have to attend excursions?

All students should attend excursions - not only are they an exciting way to explore some of Britain's most famous sites but they are a great way to make new friends.

Do I have to attend activities?

Lectures and some afternoon and evening activities are compulsory for all students. In general, students are encouraged to make the most of their time in Cambridge by engaging in as many activities as possible with other students. We offer a wide variety of activities including sport, art, drama and big events such as a talent show and an international world fair so there is something for everyone!

What activities are offered?

The aim of the activities schedule is to help you make the most out of the campus facilities and the Reach Cambridge community. Activities during the day vary from team sports such as Football (Soccer!), ultimate Frisbee and basketball to arts-based activities such as painting, photography or drama. Evening activities tend to focus more on the social side of things with talent shows, world fairs, quiz shows and film nights. The evening is also typically the time that we schedule university lectures and workshops. These can be equally sociable with discussion during and particularly after the presentation.

What happens at the weekends?

There are activities, excursions and free time on offer at the weekends (though these can also occur during the weekdays too). No visit to the UK is complete without a trip to London, and there are also excursions to places of cultural and historic interest; in the past these have included London, Brighton, Oxford and Shakespeare's birthplace - Stratford-upon-Avon. All students are expected to attend these amazing excursions.

What do I do in my free time?

Your time out of class is structured so that there is always something you can be doing, be it sport, art or a plethora of other activities. All of these activities are supervised. On the other hand, in providing a university experience, we also encourage independence in our students. Students may choose to stroll into Cambridge and relax in one of the tea rooms, explore the famous sites around the city centre or go shopping in the city's market place and retail district.

What is a typical day like?

During the summer programs, a typical weekday would begin with breakfast and morning classes. Lessons finish in time for lunch, at which point students are free to explore the city of Cambridge or the campus grounds. Depending on the program, the afternoon is spent enjoying activities and workshops laid on by the supervisors, or further classes.

After dinner, students attend an evening lecture, after which they are free to enjoy the evening entertainment organised by the supervisors, spend time socialising or catch up on homework (if desired). Evening curfew is when all students must be on their staircases or corridors to sign in with their supervisors. At the weekends, students enjoy excursions; in the past these have included Shakespeare's birthplace Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwick Castle, Oxford, Brighton and more!

Do we visit other Colleges / Universities on the program?

A Reach Cambridge program is about preparing you for the future and for some of our students, this means looking into university options in the UK and beyond. On a Reach program, students are able to glimpse university life outside of Cambridge on weekend excursions to places like Oxford and London.

Who makes my travel arrangements?

Students make their own travel arrangements. You are welcome to take advantage of our airport transfer service for travel between Heathrow and Cambridge. For more information, please visit the travel section of our useful info page for more information.
As per our Terms & Conditions, obtaining a visa is the responsibility of the student and parent or guardian, not Reach Cambridge.

Travellers from some countries will require a visa in order to visit the UK. If a visa is required, Reach Cambridge programs last less than six months, so our students are eligible to apply for a Standard Visitor visa. Reach Cambridge is accredited by the British Accreditation Council, which means that we can supply you with a letter to support your Standard Visitor visa application. For further information, please visit this link from the UKVI website: (United Kingdom Visas and Immigration).

You can also read our visa guidelines found here: Visa Guidelines.

Please note that from 2025, all visitors who do not need a visa will need an electronic travel authorisation (ETA) to travel to the UK. An ETA costs £10 and permits multiple journeys to the UK for stays of up to 6 months at a time over 2 years or until the holder’s passport expires – whichever is sooner.  You can check when you can apply for an ETA here.

We strongly urge you to check with your local embassy before travelling, read the information in our visa guidelines and click on the website links provided.


How do I get from the airport to the program?

If you have opted for our airport transfer service from London Heathrow, we will be able to meet you at the airport and take you to Cambridge. If you are traveling independently, it is your responsibility to organise transport from the airport to the campus in Cambridge. We can advise you of appropriate taxi firms such as

What is the payment schedule?

The final payment deadline for summer program fees is March 31st. Late enrolments may be accepted after these dates, but after these deadlines places cannot be held for students that have not paid their balance.

What is your cancellation policy?

By English law, the contract may be cancelled by the parent or student within fourteen days of reserving your place on the program by paying your deposit. If a contract is so cancelled, Reach Cambridge will reimburse any deposit paid within fourteen days of receiving notice of such cancellation.

To exercise the right to cancel, you must inform us of your decision to cancel this contract by a clear statement (e.g. a letter sent by post) addressed to Reach Cambridge Ltd, The Guildhall, Cambridge CB2 3QJ, or via email to

In addition, the following cancellation charges are applicable:

  • More than 200 days before the date of the course: no cancellation charge. However, Reach Cambridge will retain your deposit.
  • 200-100 days before the course start date: 50% of the program balance. Reach Cambridge will also retain your deposit.
  • Under 100 days before the course start date: 100% of the program balance. Reach Cambridge will also retain your deposit.

For full details, please see our Terms & Conditions here.

How do I know if I have been accepted?

A completed application form and payment of the deposit confirm your enrolment. Your place is then subject to the completion of your application on your online account. This includes satisfactory submission of your personal statement within 30 days of application, as well as completion of all other aspects of your online account, including payment of the balance, by the deadlines specified.

What do I need to include in my personal statement?

Your personal statement is an opportunity to find out more about you. We would love to know why you would like to come to Reach Cambridge and what has motivated you to choose your particular subject course. This personal statement will need to be uploaded to your online account, where more details on length and content can also be found. 

Does Reach Cambridge offer any scholarships or financial assistance?

Reach Cambridge runs a yearly Scholarship Essay Competition, which is designed for academically excellent students who would otherwise not be able to attend our programs.

Please note that scholarship prizes are only awarded to a very small number of students who write truly exceptional essays, and that you must also supply a school letter of recommendation highlighting your suitability for the scholarship.

Details for the Scholarship Essay Competition can be found here.

The cost for a two-week program is £6,295. Our four-week program cost is £12,395 and our six-week program is £18,495. Our add-on ''Taster Courses'' are priced at £495 (or choose 2 "Tasters" for £895).

We have great early-bird discounts available, as well as a refer-a-friend discount whereby both students can save £100. We also offer fantastic sibling discounts! For further information, please get in touch - email or phone us on +44 8708 031 732.


What is the timetable for an average day at Reach?

A typical weekday during the Summer Program begins with breakfast, followed by subject classes from 9am – 1pm, followed by free time for lunch to explore the beautiful city of Cambridge.

In the afternoon, there are activities and optional taster courses. Activities are fun and inclusive and range from larger organised events such as our international celebration, the Reach Cambridge Olympics and talent show, as well as sport, drama, music, art and opportunities to explore and experience Cambridge during this time, such as punting and trips to local museums.

Our Taster Courses also run during the afternoons as well; these range from an Introduction to Architecture, to Young Leaders, and from AI & Cybersecurity to Creative Writing. For the full list, please visit

Dinner is usually in the college dining hall, followed by an evening lecture or workshop, where all students come together to be academically challenged and engage with new and dynamic subjects including Climate Change, Interview Skills, Positive Psychology and many more.

Twice per program, all students join together on exciting excursions to world-famous cultural sites within the UK such as London, Stratford-upon-Avon, Oxford and many more.

All Reach Cambridge programs are open to students aged between 14-18 years old from all over the world.

We will ask each student to write a personal statement to better understand (a) their motivation and objectives in attending the program and (b) their academic background and aspirations for the future. This will help ensure our course teachers can tailor the academic experience appropriately. If we feel it is necessary, we may also ask for a copy of a student's latest school transcript.

All courses are taught in English. In order to get the most out of the learning experience, students are advised to have a level of English conducive to understanding sophisticated academic language and to converse with other students and staff in English at all times. We do offer an English Language & Leadership course during our summer programs if you, or we, feel that this is more appropriate. Students taking our English Language course may be given a level test prior to the summer.


What is the age limit?

All Reach Cambridge programs are open to students aged between 14-18 years old. Reach Cambridge retains the discretion to allow students slightly outside of this age group to attend the program and would be happy to discuss this on a case-by-case basis.

Can I choose different subjects?

Students who join us for two weeks in the summer can choose one subject to study in-depth. For those students joining us for four or six weeks, they have the option to choose two or three subject courses (each 2 weeks duration) or the same subject for four weeks.

If I choose the same subject across two combined programs, will the material covered be repeated?

Although a small amount of material may appear across programs, syllabi for the same subjects in each program are significantly different. If you decide to study one subject throughout your time with us, you will be learning about something new every day.
We offer 2, 4 and 6 week programs during the summer: Two week programs:
  • Sunday 6th July - Saturday 19th July 2025
  • Sunday 20th July - Saturday 2nd August 2025
  • Sunday 3rd August - Saturday 16th August 2025
Four week programs:
  • Sunday 6th July - Saturday 2nd August 2025
  • Sunday 20th July - Saturday 16th August 2025
Six week programs:
  • Sunday 6th July - Saturday 16th August 2025


How will these programs prepare me for the future?

Your experiences on a Reach Cambridge program will help you prepare for the future in more ways than can possibly be listed here. We recommend you read or watch some of our testimonials to hear from our students about how a Reach Cambridge summer school has helped them. Alternatively you can read some of our blog to hear from past students who have reflected on how a Reach Cambridge program prepared them for the future. Living away from home in a supervised environment with people from all over the world is a key stepping-stone for many of our students, and this experience is complemented with workshops on key skills that will be essential for whatever you decide to do in the future, whether in your career or further education.

How to Apply?

Applications are made online at

The process is straightforward:

  1. Complete a simple application form.
  2. Payment of the deposit confirms your enrolment.
  3. All Reach students should also submit a personal statement through their online account and this should be received within 30 days of the date of application.

The Personal Statement, written by the student, should be between 500-1000 words and should state why the student wishes to attend Reach Cambridge. At least one paragraph should be dedicated to their chosen academic course as well as their academic background and aspirations for the future. This is to ensure that our tutors can tailor the academic experience appropriately. To these ends, a school transcript and/or English language test may be requested in due course and we will contact you in writing if this is the case. Please complete the Personal Statement on your online account.

BAC Accreditation

Reach Cambridge is proudly accredited by the British Accreditation Council (BAC) for Independent Further and Higher Education as a Short Course Provider.

In order to achieve BAC accreditation, we have had to demonstrate that we meet the BAC's rigorous standards in four inspection areas:

  • Management, Staffing and Administration
  • Teaching, Learning and Assessment
  • Participant Welfare
  • Premises and Facilities

Education experts from the BAC inspectorate assessed the institution against our standards during a formal inspection visit. The Inspection team wrote a report for the independent Accreditation Committee who subsequently awarded accreditation, which is valid for four years. The inspection report and more information on the BAC can be found at

Travel to and from Reach Cambridge

Students should arrive in Cambridge for their chosen program on the start date listed on the website, and depart campus by 9.30am on the end date listed on the website. You do not need to arrive the day before or depart the day after the program dates. For example, if your program dates are 2nd – 15th, then you should arrive on the 2nd and depart on the 15th (not the 1st and the 16th).


Because Reach Cambridge students come from all over the world to form an international cohort, we’re unable to organise a formal ‘group fare’ from each hub. Instead, students should book their own flights (and let us know their flight details on the online form in their online account). 

Your arrival options are:

1) Reach Cambridge Airport Transfer – this is for students flying in on their arrival day. A member of our team will meet you at arrivals and accompany you on our airport transfer to Cambridge. This service is available for flights landing at London Heathrow Airport. More information can be found below.

2) Self Travel – Arrive independently at Cambridge between 12pm - 3pm unless specified otherwise; details on specific arrival times/location will be emailed to you just before the start of your Program.

Your departure options are:

1) Reach Cambridge Airport Transfer – for those who choose to take advantage of our airport transfer service to London Heathrow airport. More information can be found below.

2) Self Departure – Depart independently from Cambridge. You must leave campus by 9.30am.

If you choose to make your own way from Heathrow, or are arriving from another airport, you will need to arrange your own transfers (we recommend booking a taxi transfer at

Reach Airport Transfers 

Why not simplify your travel plans and take advantage of our airport transfer service for London Heathrow airport? We will ensure that you are met in person and taken directly to your Cambridge campus in comfort. 

It’s also the perfect chance to meet other Reach students at the airport and start making friends from the moment you arrive! 

  • Arrival Transfers
Heathrow (Terminals 2, 3, 4 & 5)

We recommend the latest flight arrival time for students to use this service is 11.30am.

We only provide supervision on arrival days for Heathrow from 07:30am, until the last bus for each given location. Please note - specific contact details of Reach staff will be shared nearer to the program start date.

  • Departure Transfers
Heathrow (Terminals 2, 3, 4 & 5)

We recommend the earliest flight departure time for students to use this service is 12pm.

As stated in our Terms & Conditions, students will only be guaranteed supervision by a Reach Cambridge staff member at the airports until 2pm. Please note that after this time, the students will be unaccompanied.

Prices & Booking Details 

Journey One Way Return
Cambridge - Heathrow £95 £190

How to Book

Reserving your place for an airport transfer is quick and simple. You can either add it upon application or at a later date through your online account. More information on deadlines and other details can be found on your online account travel section.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us

What are the Terms and Conditions of attendance?

For details, please see our full Terms & Conditions here:

Do you offer online courses and tutoring?

With over 15 years experience providing academic excellence to young people all over the world, we are delighted to be able to use this expertise to offer one-to-one tutoring and online courses for students aged 13-24. Wherever you are in the world and whatever your goal, prepare for your future with our expert tutors.

Our online tuition is tailored to your specific learning objectives and schedule - available year-round and during the summer, visit our online tuition website -

Are you an English Language school?

We do offer an English Language & Leadership course, which we run alongside our other academic courses. Please take a look at our courses page for a full list of our courses.

What are your admission office opening hours?

Our normal business hours (outside of the summer) are 9am – 6pm GMT – Monday to Friday. We will endeavour to respond to all requests within 24 - 48 hours on weekdays, and we are happy to set-up phone calls to families all over the world.

If you ever have any questions, please contact us as follows:

How long are your programs?

We offer two, four and six week programs during July and August. For full dates and fees, please visit our useful info page.

One benefit of attending a longer program (i.e 4 or 6 weeks) is the unique opportunity to experience more than one exceptional subject courses, since each course lasts a minimum of 2 weeks. You just need to indicate this on the application form via our website. If you would prefer, you are also able to choose the same subject for up to 4 weeks.

Can I visit a family friend or relative whilst in Cambridge?

For temporary absence from the program to visit a relative (who must be aged 25+), a signed Exeat form will be necessary, and one is included in the Welcome Pack.

Can I work whilst I attend the program?

Students attending Reach Cambridge may not work under any circumstances.

What meals are provided?

Generally, we provide breakfast and dinner and students are responsible for getting their own lunch each day - there are plenty of cafes and casual dining options all around town and Cambridge is very small.

On excursion days, we provide breakfast but students are given time to buy lunch during the excursion and dinner, usually on return in Cambridge.

We usually recommend about £200 per week spending money, depending of course on purchase of souvenirs etc.

Are you affiliated with the University of Cambridge?

Our programs help prepare students for life after high school. We are not affiliated with the University of Cambridge and our focus is not about getting students into University. We focus on helping students make good decisions about their life after school and preparing students for their future, at University and beyond.

How are you different to other summer schools in Cambridge or the UK?

At Reach we are committed to offering each student an incredibly unique, positive and life-changing experience. We are always most proud of the fact that the many of our students apply via personal referrals from family and friends. In fact, some of our students return to Reach the following year as they’ve had such a memorable experience.

According to our students, these are the main highlights of our programs:

  • A great combination of academic excellence, extra-curricular activities and engaging excursions.
  • Friendly, supportive, tight-knit and professional supervisor team.
  • Engaging and challenging academic courses.

We also have many students who attend because of referrals from school counsellors and coordinators who we have built strong relationships with over the many successful years we have been running. We have excellent staff to student ratios both in class and on each program, which allows us to give all students a good level of attention on an individual basis whilst also fostering a safe, supportive and positive international community. We also have longstanding relationships with colleges and staff within Cambridge, and an in-depth knowledge of our city and surrounding area.

To find out more about the Reach Experience, please click here.

Do you have any testimonials or independent parents/students/recommendations?

Yes! You can hear from our students directly via our course testimonial videos – please visit for more information.

As well as many years of experience and great student experiences mentioned in our testimonials, we are also accredited by the British Accreditation Council who provide a comprehensive quality assurance scheme for independent further and higher education in the UK. You are able to read our accreditation report via our website.

To read a range of reviews please take a look at and

Do you formally assess or grade the academic courses?

Although we do not award credits or formal qualifications for our courses, for all subjects, you will receive a Reach Cambridge certificate at the end of the program. This contains an overview of the course and some suggested further reading so the learning journey can extend beyond the summer. This may or may not be sufficient to earn you a Credit (check with your school in advance), but could certainly be mentioned in application to university.
There is something for everyone here at Reach! We offer a huge variety of academic subjects - from English Literature to Engineering, Psychology to Physics and English Language to Medicine. Our full list can be found via our website courses page. Courses are engaging, dynamic and challenging, taught by experts in their field.

You can also choose to enhance your program with one or more taster courses. Each taster course is made of of five hours of teaching spread out over a few afternoons and offers a perfectly distilled and dynamic overview of a variety of exciting subjects. You can choose up to two taster courses per 2-week program.

For more information and our full list of courses and taster courses, please visit

All courses are taught in English. In order to get the most out of the learning experience, students are advised to have a level of English conducive to understanding sophisticated academic language and to converse with other students and staff in English at all times. We do offer an English Language & Leadership course during our summer programs if you, or we, feel that this is more appropriate. A student’s personal statement will help indicate their level of English and students taking our English Language course may be given a level test prior to the summer.

We are proud of the international nature of our cohorts; however, English levels are measured differently in each country (a breakdown of English levels such as IELTS or CAE can be found here:

If you are in any doubt about whether your English level is appropriate for our academic courses and/or our English language courses, we would encourage you to reach out to our experienced admissions team. You can also read more about our English Language & Leadership course by locating it on the courses page alongside our other academic courses.

All courses are taught in English. In order to get the most out of the learning experience, students are advised to have a level of English conducive to understanding sophisticated academic language and to converse with other students and staff in English at all times. We do offer an English Language & Leadership course during our summer programs if you, or we, feel that this is more appropriate. A student’s personal statement will help indicate their level of English and students taking our English Language course may be given a level test prior to the summer.

We are proud of the international nature of our cohorts; however, English levels are measured differently in each country (a breakdown of English levels such as IELTS or CAE can be found here:

If you are in any doubt about whether your English level is appropriate for our academic courses and/or our English language courses, we would encourage you to reach out to our experienced admissions team. You can also read more about our English Language & Leadership course by locating it on the courses page alongside our other academic courses.


Can I combine two different programs?

We offer two, four and six week programs during July and August. For full dates and fees, please visit our useful info page.

One benefit of attending a longer program (i.e 4 or 6 weeks) is the unique opportunity to experience more than one exceptional subject courses, since each course lasts a minimum of 2 weeks. You just need to indicate this on the application form via our website. If you would prefer, you are also able to choose the same subject for up to 4 weeks.

Do the courses change each year?

Although some of the material in our courses is similar year on year, our teachers are also heavily encouraged to bring their most up to date research and innovation to ensure courses remain at the cutting edge of research and development. Please let us know if you would like us to send you a list of topics that are typically covered in a particular course.

What is the SAT preparation course?

The SAT program is for preparation for American universities.

How many hours of classes/tuition are there each week?

We normally have a minimum of 20 hours of academic tuition per week plus evening lectures, workshops and optional Taster Courses.

Can I study more than one subject?

You can only study one course subject for every 2-week period. If you would like to study more than one subject, we recommend joining us for longer (4 or 6 weeks) or adding on a few Taster Courses to your program. More details can be found here:

Are younger and older students in the same class together? How does that work?

Our residential summer schools are open to international students aged 14-18. For the academic subject classes, we hold seminar-style lessons with a small group of students, so teachers are able to tailor the classes to individual students needs and provide extra support where required. The teaching is designed to bridge the gap between school and university, to build on existing knowledge and introduce students to completely different topics, hands-on activities and ideas.

We will also ask each student to write a personal statement to better understand (a) their motivation and objectives in attending the program and (b) their academic background and aspirations for the future. This will help ensure our course teachers can tailor the academic experience appropriately. If we feel it is necessary, we may also ask for a copy of a student's latest school transcript.

Can you provide further details on particular courses?

We would be delighted to speak to you about any course in more detail. Where possible, we are also able to provide a sample course outline from previous summers. Please email with your request.

What are the taster courses?

During the summer programs, we offer a wide selection of Taster Courses which cover a range of subjects to supplement the core academic courses. Taster Courses provide the perfect opportunity to enhance your Reach Cambridge experience by providing an insight into a new subject. From AI & Cybersecurity to History & Politics, from Pre-Hospital Emergency Medicine to Philosophy & Ethics, there is something for everyone! Why not learn about emergency medicine while studying Engineering? You can find out more about our taster courses here.

Do I need any special equipment for my course (i.e a calculator or laptop etc)?

Usually, we will provide all academic resources but if it is essential for you to bring a specific piece of equipment with you, we will let you know before the course. All computer science students must have a laptop with them and we recommend other students bring their laptops or tablets with them for taking notes and making presentations etc. in their classes if required.

Can I request to share a room with a friend or sibling?

Students wishing to share with a friend should put each other’s name in the Rooming section of both applications. We will place you in a shared room where possible or we will try to ensure that you are on the same staircase/corridor, proximal to one another.

Is there internet access?

There is wifi onsite and you will be given access details upon arrival in Cambridge. You may also wish to purchase an international sim card for when you are out and about and do not have access to wifi.

Which college will my child be staying at and what's the address?

Accommodation allocation and addresses will be sent out nearer the time. The colleges we use are in the city centre and Cambridge is very small.

What happens once I have applied?

Once your deposit has been paid your enrolment is confirmed. The deposit amount is £500 per two-week course. When you complete the rest of the items your place is confirmed, and you are able to complete various aspects of your application such as flight and insurance information as soon as the deposit has been paid.

Further instructions on how to proceed next are in the emails sent from the admissions team once you apply and after you have paid your deposit.

What's the wait time between submitting your application and having your place confirmed?

Once your deposit has been paid your enrolment is confirmed. You will then receive more information via email from our admissions team on how to complete the other elements of your online application in preparation for the summer.

Can you help me understand the admissions terminology?

  • Your ‘Application form’ is the initial form completed on our website
  • ‘Enrolment’ means your place is confirmed once a deposit is paid
  • You 'Personal Statement' is used to better understand (a) your motivation and objectives in attending the program and (b) your academic background and aspirations for the future
  • Your ‘Online application’ is your whole application page including travel information, insurance, etc.
  • Your ‘Online account’ is your user dashboard for which you have an individual login
The most up-to-date early-bird and online discounts can be found on our website and are time sensitive.

We have a refer-a-friend discount running throughout the year which is a £100 discount for both students who attend a summer program in the same year.

We also offer great sibling discounts!

Discounts are not applied until the deposit is paid so it's best to pay the deposit as soon as possible.


Will I keep my discount if I am having trouble paying the deposit in time?

If you are having technical problems making your payment please email and they will be able to assist you. Please rest assured the discount will still be honoured in this case.

How do I cancel my application?

To cancel an application, please email and our admissions team will be best placed to help you. Any refund requests will be governed by our cancellation policy in our terms and conditions.

What if I cannot attend?

If you are unable to attend, please email and our admissions team will assist you. Any refund requests will be governed by our cancellation policy in our terms and conditions.

What are your bank details in order to make a wire transfer?

The bank details and how to pay are in the welcome email which is sent upon registration. They can also be found on your online account when you next login or please email for further assistance.

Can I change to a different course than originally booked?

Before the summer, it may be possible to switch to another course, but this is subject to availability. Please contact our admissions team on as soon as possible. It is usually not possible to switch courses near to the summer or during the program.

Can you help me login

If you have forgotten your password, you can request a password reset next time you try to login via If this is not the issue and you still cannot login, please email our admissions team at and they will be happy to assist you.

I have forgotten my password

If you have forgotten your password, you can request a password reset next time you try to login via If this is not the issue and you still cannot login, please email our admissions team at and they will be happy to assist you.
Deposit payments can be made via Flywire or PayPal. Balance payments can be made via Flywire. More information on how to pay your deposit and balance can be found through your online account


Can I bring a friend or a sibling with me?

Yes - there is a sibling or ‘Refer A Friend’ discount, which is an extra £100 per person, on top of the current discount.

What is the difference between a Cambridge College and Cambridge University?

Many visitors to Cambridge remark that they have seen the Colleges and Faculties but are yet to see the University. In fact they have seen the University - it is the collective name for all departments, accommodation, colleges, libraries and lecture halls spread around the city. There are 31 different Colleges that make up the University. You can find more information about Cambridge here.

Do you work with agents?

If you are an agent or would like to work with us via an agent please email

Do you have job vacancies?

Please look on the jobs section of our website for our current vacancies. If you have any questions please send them through to

How will Reach Cambridge prepare me for college/university?

Reach Cambridge is an independent educational organisation dedicated to helping our students prepare for the future. For many of our students, this means going on to study at universities all over the world. During the program, you gain an awareness of what university study entails in particular subjects, how to interact with other students and academics and how to manage your time responsibly. Preparing for the future is as much about learning to manage your new independence responsibly as it is about experiencing a new environment.
Although we are not directly affiliated with the University of Cambridge or any other university, we are lucky enough to offer our students to chance to live and learn in the inspiring environment of the University of Cambridge. Many of our teaching staff are academics working in top UK universities.

Will I receive more information prior to my arrival in Cambridge?

Absolutely! Information packs are shared with all students and parents nearer to the time of the program. This will include information on what to bring as well as our student handbook. If you have any questions in the meantime, please email

Is it safe and will my children be well looked after?

At Reach Cambridge, the safety and welfare of students is our number one priority. Our experienced staff team work together to ensure that our students have the opportunity to grow in confidence and enjoy their independence in a safe and supervised environment.

Parents can be understandably cautious about sending their children abroad for a study program, and so a member of our senior staff team would be more than willing to answer any questions and allay any concerns over the phone. If you would like to speak to a member of the senior staff, please use our contact form, email us at or phone us (+44 8708 031 732). We have a clear set of regulations for students and staff and detailed preparations regarding medical support. Risk assessments have been carried out on the campuses.

Staff are:

  • Trained in first aid and safe organization of activities.
  • Subject to a rigorous DBS (Disclosures and Barring Service) check as per the legal requirements for working with young people in the UK.
  • Experienced at working with young people. As current undergraduates and recent graduates, they also have a perfect idea of the pressures and strains on young people living in a new university environment.
  • In addition, Reach Cambridge is regularly inspected by the British Accreditation Council.

Who are the faculty/staff?

Broadly speaking, our staff can be divided into three departments – academic teaching staff, supervisors & welfare staff and, finally, senior staff.

Our academic teaching body is made up of Fellows, Professors, researchers, post-graduates, and specialists in their field; many of our academic staff are working or studying at high-level academic institutions such as Cambridge, Oxford or London universities.

Supervisors (the equivalent of a camp counsellor) live on site with the students and are in charge of all activities and events, as well as the welfare of the students. The supervisory team is primarily made up of university students, many from the University of Cambridge, who have first-hand knowledge of university life.

What happens if I have trouble getting a visa?

Here is a link to our terms and conditions, and please see section 14 referring to visas: Terms and Conditions. Please also see the section on visas on our useful info webpage.

For airport transfers, where should I meet a Reach representative when I land?

If you have booked an optional airport transfer for your arrival from Heathrow, our staff will wait in the arrivals hall with a Reach Cambridge sign and will be monitoring your flight information in case of any delays.

What Travel Insurance do I need?

We are delighted to say that our summer school students benefit from International Student Travel Insurance cover, which is included in the course fees. Visit our Insurance page to find out more.

Please read the Policy Information on the Insurance page carefully, paying particular attention to what is covered and any exclusions. You are responsible for ensuring that the Policy is suitable for your needs, and you may wish to take out additional insurance as required.

Please note that this cover applies to individuals, and not to those students who are attending as part of a school group or are enrolled on a bespoke course. We strongly recommend that these groups make their own arrangements for comprehensive medical and travel insurance.

By making your initial deposit payment, your enrolment is confirmed. The remaining balance is due by 31st March, however should you wish to discuss making your balance payment in up to 3 instalments, please let us know and we would be delighted to discuss this with you further. 
