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Summer 2025: Apply by 14th Sep and Save £650
Summer 2025: Apply by 14th Sep and Save £650

Reach Cambridge July 2016: Day 11

The theme of today has definitely been international diversity. Following classes in the morning, lots of students began preparation for the ‘World Fair’. This will be held on Friday evening, and is a chance for everybody to get into groups and teach everyone else what is special about their country. We are lucky to have students from over 40 different countries from around the world, and so I can’t wait to see presentations from Bermuda, Nigeria, Canada, Singapore and of course, the UK as well! For those who didn’t want to write a presentation, some of the Supervisors led a very successful and very competitive game of ‘Capture the Flag’, which was enjoyed by over 40 students, and was great for team-building and bonding. My highlight was the student who proudly declared their 100% win record, across 4 different teams, so clearly we have some natural athletes in the group! In the evening, the students and supervisors were lucky enough to listen to a lecture on the current ‘Refugee and Migrant Crisis’ by an international journalist, who has been teaching the Journalism and Media class during the week. Not only was this incredibly relevant, but equally interesting, especially in a community as internationally diverse as ours. Following the lecture, a group of our supervisors held an ‘Interview Skills’ session for anyone who wanted to learn a bit more about interview processes and good technique. This is in advance of Mock Interviews which our very talented and experienced supervisory team will be holding for all students who want them, focusing on either a subject the student would like to study at university (Law, Maths, Chemistry etc..), or a mock job interview. For those who just wanted to unwind in the evening, there was the opportunity to watch the Germany v France football game! We are now past the halfway point of the program, and lots of strong friendships have been formed. Today has been an opportunity to develop new skills, and prepare to learn more about each other and where we come from. Written by Scott, Head Supervisor