The sunny Cambridge day started with
morning classes. From learning coding language Python in
Computer Science to combining
Law with literature, and discussing Harry Potter from a legal perspective. The
Engineering class finished off their bridges, while
Psychology moved straight to the exciting topic of Personality and Research Design. Some students also enjoyed
Emergency Medicine,
Coding and
Architecture in their
Taster classes in the afternoon.

Practising CPR in an outside lesson of Emergency Medicine
The students had the opportunity to get their own lunches afterwards followed by a little bit of
free time and more exploration of Cambridge. Back in college, today was the first day of
sport activities. Students had the opportunity to play many games such as football, basketball and tennis. However, the most popular game ended up being
Rounders, a traditional British bat-and-ball game – students got very into it and the amazing weather came out to play too! Fingers crossed it stays. Meanwhile, some other students chose to get creative with
art and crafts in Trinity Hall College. The lovely sun helped with the brightest ideas, and inspired the most glittery and colourful masks.
Once again, students ate dinners in their own colleges, after which the second
lecture took place. The title was intriguing – ‘How the Brain Works’. The speaker, Travis, also teaches
Medicine classes and has been with Reach for several years. In his lecture, he took the students on a journey through the science of memory and how our brains create them. After this
memorable lecture, the students attended more
activities such as “Casino” and Board Games. Others channeled yet more sporting enthusiasm by watching the World Cup Semi-Final (England vs USA), which we screened in Trinity Hall.
Now we know how our brains are working every day to store the wonderful memories we’re making at Reach – but if you forget, this blog (and our
Instagram /
Facebook stories) will be here to remind you!
Written by Ola