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Summer 2025: Apply by 28th Oct and Save £500
Summer 2025: Apply by 28th Oct and Save £500

Hui Qing Talks about her Reach Experience

Each year Reach runs exciting Tailor Made Courses for visiting school groups. In this blog, Hui Qing from Singapore Chinese Girls’ School talks about her time in Cambridge. Enjoy!: REACH CAMBRIDGE EXPERIENCE 2015: TAILOR MADE COURSE, SCGS To say the experience with Reach Cambridge was unforgettable would be an understatement. Honestly, I don’t think any of us were expecting such a wonderful trip, just a regular school trip with some classes slotted in about World Readiness. We weren’t expecting a trip with the loveliest and sweetest guides, and the homey environment of the whole house. We learnt a lot from wonderful teachers, like representation of gender in social media, film and art appreciation, even a bit of ethics! Of course that wasn’t all we learnt, but if we did list out everything this would never end. The best thing about these lessons were that they weren’t the least bit boring! Everything was hands-on, with discussions throughout the classes, even debates! The teachers were so open to all opinions; it was like a breath of fresh air. What I’d say I enjoyed most would probably be the gatherings we had in the classrooms at night, after dinner, with our guides. On those nights, laughter would be the only sound heard coming from the classroom, alongside a serving of friendly banter. It wasn’t just a congregation of students in the classroom talking on their own, but sometimes even Reach staff that just made the memory so much more wonderful. We could go from discussing the differences in education systems in the two countries to jokes and even scaring each other when their back was turned. Although there were so many different parts of the trip that added up to something so memorable, I truly believe that what really made the trip so wonderful was the Reach staff. They are by far, some of the sweetest people we’ve met. When you go to Reach, it’s as if you gain a new family of older brothers and sisters, who are funny and caring, but equally responsible. Since day one, we didn’t feel like there was any barrier or awkwardness whilst interacting with them at all. When you meet and start talking to them, it’s like meeting an old friend. The Reach staff was just the cherry on top of all the things experienced in Cambridge on our trip. They really made the trip this much more unforgettable. blogpic2 There were even tears shed when we were at the airport, or even as we left the house. Maybe some people would say this is an exaggeration, but I say with full honesty and love that Reach Cambridge was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had. The memories I made here, I will never forget. The days I spent in Reach probably make up the most enjoyable trip I’ve ever been on. And I say this with no hesitation, that I would love to go back to Reach Cambridge, even if just for a day to see the familiar faces. Love, Hui Qing