Summer 2025: Apply by Monday 28th October and Save £500
Summer 2025: Apply by 28th Oct and Save £500
Summer 2025: Apply by 28th Oct and Save £500

Reach Cambridge Global Leaders: Day 6

After our exciting trip to the capital city yesterday, today began with a return to our Global Leaders classes. The Humanities class focused on ‘Anthropology and Entrepreneurs’, beginning with a discussion on the qualities that make a good leader. Students presented thoughtful arguments on whether being a ‘good’ leader necessarily means doing the right thing. We learnt about five different styles of leadership, from coercive to legitimate. The students then took it in turns to create amazing role plays and the other students guessed which type of leadership they were acting out. Through these role plays, the students showed a great deal of creativity and amazing teamwork skills, working together to display several leadership techniques in one quick role play. The final task in the Humanities class focused on gang culture. After discussions about why people may join a gang, the students separated into groups to tackle one world issue as a gang. From world hunger, to the US presidential race and gender bias, the students came up with innovative and thoughtful ways to tackle these social issues. The students learnt how to critically look at different leadership styles and to think about how those styles could be used to affect a major social issue. The afternoon saw a wave of innovation and entrepreneurship with teams of students designing products as part of the Reach ‘Apprentice Challenge’. The students had to design a product for the travel market and later pitch their idea to a panel of senior staff and fellow students. All the teams did a fantastic job! It was so good in fact that all the senior staffs’ wages may be about to be launched into four new business ideas!!! From ‘Rent a Local’ apps to changeable shoes to suitcases with shelves to umbrella water catcher extravaganzas, the students really awed everyone with their unique ideas. Their pitches were clear and engaging; from filmed adverts to songs the students presented their products in a clear and engaging way. The winner is to be announced soon…watch this space! The day was rounded off with a lecture on personal statements where students learnt and discussed the UK university application process. The evening highlight was definitely the Reach Choir where angelic tones carried through the whole of the college, bringing a tear to all the supervisors’ eyes! Written by Hannah, Corridor Supervisor and Head of Pastoral Care