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Summer 2025: Apply by 14th Sep and Save £650
Summer 2025: Apply by 14th Sep and Save £650

Reach Cambridge 2015: Esther's experience

In this blog, Esther looks back at her time in Cambridge on our 2015 summer program: Most students talk about how Reach Cambridge has made them better people or more prepared for University. That’s exactly what I’ll do too. Most of this character building comes due to the fantastic amount of work put in by the co-ordinators and supervisors. No kidding, they run this program effortlessly and tirelessly, always managing to be pleasant when confused students fire barrages of questions at them. Take for example our activities after classes. Whether it was Singstar, outreach programs, or university applications lectures, they always managed time and resources with élan. Students could always approach them and they always had answers. I benefited from every single personal interaction with them. And their energy was infectious. After various lectures on University Applications, a workshop on public speaking, and the World Fair, I’m sure every student’s confidence went up because of these activities. I definitely came out more self-assured, with a clearer idea of the field I’d like to pursue in the future. In my opinion, while coursework is very important for inter-cultural interactions and global perspectives, extra activities are really the moments that are remembered. My advice to future students of Reach Cambridge would be to go with an open mind, grab each opportunity offered with both hands and never let go. Most importantly, don’t ever be afraid to approach a supervisor! They’re awesome you’ll definitely benefit from interacting with them.