Summer 2025: Apply by Saturday 14th September and Save £650
Summer 2025: Apply by 14th Sep and Save £650
Summer 2025: Apply by 14th Sep and Save £650

Reach Cambridge July 2015: Day 4

The big excitement of the day was the first excursion outside Cambridge, staff and students alike, and the trip did not disappoint! After morning lectures we all boarded coaches to Wandlebury Country Park. It was lovely to see the students helping the staff to carry our packed lunches, and the extra help in the sweltering heat was greatly appreciated. Wandlebury Country Park is a large, spacious and peaceful park. By the time we reached, a nice wind was rippling through the park which did not make sitting under the sun too bad. We ate our packed lunches under the blue skies and the students wandered around. Some chose to read a book under the tree while others took to throwing a Frisbee around. It was a very relaxed afternoon, much needed for everyone after a hectic few days, and everyone soon had something or the other to do. Students chatted away, and two of them had fashioned a very impressive makeshift table tennis game out of two bats, a ball and a picnic bench! By the end, a very intense but super fun game of rounders had started up in the corner, with the teams being supervisors vs. students. Most were new to the game but everyone had the right spirit, which made it all the more fun! Everyone was fairly exhausted by the end of the excursion, but everyone picked up their energy levels when they remembered that they had the summer school disco later on in the evening. The students dressed up very nicely and went to the evening lecture that was on “University Applications”. The lecture was very informative and I’m sure the students learnt a lot. The summer school disco was great fun, and the students had a great chance to mingle outside college. Music from all around the world was played, and all in all the day was excellent fun! Written by Sanjukta, Supervisor