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Summer 2025: Apply by 31st Aug and Save £700
Summer 2025: Apply by 31st Aug and Save £700

Chiara discusses her memories of Reach, and impression of the supervisors

Who Are We?…

 At Reach Cambridge our staff broadly divides into academic staff, senior staff and supervisors. But what, I hear you cry, is a supervisor!?

 The main role of a Supervisor at Reach Cambridge is to ensure the safety, happiness and wellbeing of all students during their time with us. Each student on the summer course is assigned a supervisor along with a small group of other students who all live on the same corridor of a Cambridge college. This means that right from the start the supervisor is the closest point of contact for all students, and the corridor quickly fosters a communal spirit.

 For the majority of the program the supervisors run the activities and excursions that form the non-academic side of the course. Whether it is a football tournament, music group, or theatre trip, it is the supervisors who lead these activities. For this reason they are chosen from students who have the balance of skills necessary to run the vast array of different activities that Reach offers.

 In addition, the supervisors (the majority of whom study at Cambridge) all have a detailed knowledge of the British university system, and are therefore in an excellent position to advise students about course options, college choices, and personal statement writing.

 Below, Chiara discusses her memories at Reach Cambridge and impression of the supervisors themselves…


My experience at Reach Cambridge has absolutely been the best three weeks of my life, I can’t stop saying it. Everything at the camp, from the location, to the activities has just been wonderful and it’s hard to think of something I would change. Although one thing that really completed this experience for me was the staff.

Before coming to Reach, I had this image of Cambridge students and former students as these perfect, cookie-cutter people that maybe weren’t so much the fun people you would want to hang out with on a Friday night. I have to say that I could not have been more wrong. A lot of the Staff at Reach are Students or former students of Cambridge University and they are all, with no exceptions, some of the most alive, funny and intelligent people I have met. This has helped me realise that ‘normal’ people get into Cambridge, otherwise telling me that with enough effort I could potentially get in.

I cannot thank the camp enough for giving me the perfect academic and social opportunity they have. My two week course in psychology has helped me confirm that it is what I want to study, and the friends I have made, I believe, are of the absolute best quality and are forever.

Thank you Reach Cambridge!


Written by Chiara, student Reach August 2014