Week 2 of classes are well on their way with much to learn as students are well settled into their Cambridge routine! Breakfast started at 8am as usual with an array of delicious pastries and a traditional English Breakfast to keep them energised for the day. In the music room, we saw students with their pasta-marshmallow bridges experimenting with learning more about Structural Engineering. Meanwhile in our Journalism and Media class, students learnt the art of satire, the perfect way to use humour to investigate real issues and report it to the public.
After classes students had free time to enjoy lunch around the city before getting ready for afternoon activities! Today we had punting in store for our students – a classic Cambridge trip! You can’t say you went to Cambridge without saying you went punting! The students had a great time learning more about the colleges, while taking in the beautiful view from the river on such a sunny day – lots of sunscreen was applied. After the tour students enjoyed more independence with free time in Cambridge before they would meet for corridor dinner. Food like Pizza, Nana Mexico and McDonalds were seen in a lot of corridors as they were free to choose whatever they want.

Students enjoying the punt ride!
After a delicious dinner, students made their way to Trinity Hall Lecture Theatre for our evening lecture ‘Life of Flying’ , where an ex-pilot came in to talk about his life and adventures he got on as a pilot! Many students had some fantastic questions at the end, curious as to how he got in the industry and how it shaped his life. Once the lecture was over we moved on to the amazing world fair! It was so amazing to see so many students from different cultures come together to show off where they’re from and stand in front of all their peers presenting! We had groups from Saudi Arabia, Columbia, China and a very funny rundown of America’s previous presidents! Apparently one president got frequent speeding tickets for going too fast on his horse and carriage – who’d have thought? Every student was interacting, asking questions and being open minded to support their friends. It’s been such a pleasure watching their confidence grow even more and their friendships with everyone blossom!
Written By Mel