Summer 2025: Apply by Monday 28th October and Save £500
Summer 2025: Apply by 28th Oct and Save £500
Summer 2025: Apply by 28th Oct and Save £500

Summer 2021: Program 1 - Day 13

Today was the final day of Reach for the Program 1 students. For many of the students, it was a mixture of excitement and sadness. Many have made great friends that they will cherish forever and are very sad to be leaving them behind in Cambridge or bidding them safe journey to their homes all over the world. But we are sure that the memories they have made will last them a lifetime!

After some fun free time and activities in the centre of Cambridge, there was also a competitive round of cards back at the Reach Cambridge base in Fitzwilliam College. There was also a themed Treasure Hunt around the university grounds, followed by some delicious dinner in College!

For the quarantined students, fun online activities kept them busy, while the rest of the students had a departure party where a slideshow of pictures were displayed, reminding us all of the great fun we’ve all had on Program 1. This was followed by an evening of games, snacks and great conversation to close out the day, and was a lovely way to end the first program of the summer.