Summer 2025: Apply by Monday 28th October and Save £500
Summer 2025: Apply by 28th Oct and Save £500
Summer 2025: Apply by 28th Oct and Save £500

Summer 2021: Program 1 - Day 7

The weekend is here! The students started their day off with a well-deserved lie-in – they all needed it after a busy week of classes and activities. Today also marked the first day in which the students who had quarantined during week one could join the program fully. They were ecstatic to be released from quarantine, especially since they’re aware of all the wonderful events coming up this weekend and in week two!

Students preparing to disembark on their punts!

The full cohort of students were taken into town in the late morning, so that they could have some time to shop, grab lunch, and explore Cambridge’s beautiful city centre in the glorious sunshine. In the afternoon, the students reconvened to take part in one of Cambridge’s oldest traditions – punting on the river Cam! They were chauffeured by the finest punters on the river, and were given a tour of the city’s most famous landmarks from the water.

Our Reach Cambridge students then headed back to Fitzwilliam College for dinner, before being given the opportunity to attend a screening of Black Widow in one of the college’s own lecture halls. The movie was gripping and emotional, and many students were close to tears by the film’s climactic end! The students then headed off to bed, in order to get some good rest before getting up early tomorrow for their first excursion of the program – Stratford-upon-Avon & Warwick Castle!