As the heat wave of July drew to a close, I could not wait for August to start because on 1st August, 200 students arrived, bushy tailed despite some very long flights, ready for 2 weeks of brilliant fun spent in classes, activities, lectures, excursions and events at our three sites in Cambridge – Downing, Trinity Hall and Christ’s college.
Supervisors donned bright orange T-shirts and headed to airports and train stations to meet school groups and, despite a few flight delays, all the students arrived in good spirits, eager to get to Cambridge to see all the delights on offer. Even the 2 hour coach ride could not dampen spirits, with students and teachers alike taking a barrage of photos in their first moments in England!
Once in Cambridge, it was onto the arrivals desk, where students collected their welcome

The stunning Downing College at sunset, home to some of our students this August
packs, lovely blue T-shirts, lanyards and room keys from our equally excited Supervisors. Meeting the students is always brilliant, as they arrive from all over the world and come from diverse backgrounds. Reach Cambridge summer school really highlights how people from across the globe can come together to learn, have fun and forge lasting friendships, all in the space of just a few weeks. I’m sure that arrivals day was just the start of amazing things to come!