The last day of Program 1 at Reach Cambridge was bittersweet. It has been a truly amazing two weeks and it’s been sad saying goodbye to the students we have gotten to know so well over the last few weeks.
The day kicked off with the last morning of classes, culminating in the presentation of certificates to each student. These certificates outline all the highlights from the classes over the last few weeks, as well as some recommended reading/advice for future studies of the subject. The collective feedback from teachers on the programme has been really positive and I know they’ve really enjoyed teaching the students!

Students then had the chance to soak up the sunshine in their last full afternoon in Cambridge together with the close friends they have made over the last few weeks. Sports were playing on Downing Paddock, including a cheerleading session led by our very own supervisor Isabella!
And then – it was
party time! Students had dressed to impress as we dined together in our college dining halls for a yummy final meal. After this, the departure party kicked off in full swing! The party committee had been working hard all week to bring the magic and they did not disappoint! The party started with a musical photo slideshow showcasing all the highlights over the last 2 weeks – it was so lovely to look back at all that was seen and done!
There was so much to see and do – From everything to a ‘mocktails’ bar, a sweet stall, photo booth, fake glitter tattoos, friendship bracelet making, tarot reading/fortune telling through to a Disco and Casino/Chill-out space.
Disco, dancing, dining, smiling, singing and celebrating wrapped up the final moments of Reach Cambridge for over 130 students. By observing their experiences actively and from a distance, it was quite clear to see that the students’ minds had been stretched through various scholastic & leisure activities.
They had met people from a range of different nationalities, they embraced each other’s culture as well as that of England, they partook in several sporting, artsy and other events and they appreciated the unique opportunity that has been afforded to them. It’s fair to say that a spirit of friendship and gratitude was evident from all!
Program 1 students – it’s been a pleasure!
Written by Luke