We were greeted with beautiful sunny weather during the final day of the Reach Spring Programme. The day began with a Community Outreach session which focused on educational inequality around the world. Hannah, our guest speaker from a widening participation charity called IntoUniversity, gave an extremely thought- provoking and informative workshop to the students regarding access in education.
The students then devised exciting Dragons’ Den style pitches, where they aimed to tackle an educational issue through their very own start-ups. The students had many imaginative pitches, including a charity which gives school supplies to schools in need, as well as a charity which educates children who miss out on school due to natural disasters.

After some free time for a bite to eat in central Cambridge, everyone headed home to inspire their classmates with leadership presentations. Luke, Reach’s Marketing Coordinator, delivered a leadership workshop earlier this week, in which everyone was given the task of preparing a presentation on inspirational leaders. Famous people chosen ranged from Ghandi to Batman. We all feel informed and inspired by great leaders and hope to replicate this in our own lives!
The evening started with a farewell party in the sunshine. We watched a photo slideshow of the wonderful two weeks which have passed so quickly and played a game in which we summed up the Reach Spring Programme in one word. We think the two weeks have been inspiring, life- changing and supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!
Apply for Summer 2019 – £100 off per week before 30th April!
Our Spring program might be underway, but there’s still time to join us this summer instead! See
our COURSES page for further details. We are now offering an amazing discount of £100 off per week on all of our summer programs, as long as you pay your deposit before 30th April! Sign up for our newsletter in just a few seconds via
this link.
Spring 2020 Registration NOW OPEN
You can now also register your interest for SPRING 2020 by emailing us at