Summer 2025: Apply by Sunday 15th September and Save £650
Summer 2025: Apply by 15th Sep and Save £650
Summer 2025: Apply by 15th Sep and Save £650

Spring 2018: Day 6

A bittersweet day in Cambridge as we prepare to say goodbye to our week 1 students, but excited to welcome our next students tomorrow for week 2. Despite the rainy day, the students had another jam-packed and enjoyable schedule. The day started off with a Public Speaking workshop by Jenny. Students analysed good and bad examples of public speaking from famous icons, discussed the definition of public speaking, and looked at many and varied tips and hints to help them improve for the future. This was followed by a Leadership session by Scott, which looked at the qualities of leadership, and examples of what makes a good leader, and indeed, how leadership can come in many forms. Before lunch, students were set the task of presenting in pairs or solo post-lunch.  These presentations would be done without props or PowerPoint, and would be marked 50% on content and 50% on delivery. The task was to choose the best leader who they thought would embody all the qualities of leadership. There was a panel of judges and the winners would be given (edible) prizes! Students then had free time and lunch in town, before heading back to Reach Hall to prepare for their presentations. The students did a fantastic job and it was inspiring for the judges to see everyone take care and time over their content and delivery. We really felt you could see all the points, sessions and teaching of the last week in each presentation. The students were then told about becoming Reach Ambassadors and were really keen to take on the responsibility and reward of sharing their experiences of Reach with their school and their friends back home. We can’t wait to hear about what they all go on to do in the future and hope Reach has helped them prepare for the next step. After this, it was party time! An Italian dinner of pasta, salad, pizza etc with chocolate orange brownie or ice cream. After this, some excellent bowling skills were exhibited and fun was had by all! Although we are sad to say goodbye to those who are have been with us for 1 week, we know they’ve made friends for life and we’ve loved having them on the program. To those students who are staying on, I know they can’t wait to meet the new arrivals tomorrow and find out more about the final week of Spring next week.

Apply for Summer 2018 – Save up to £300 

From now until 11.59pm on 16th April, you will save £300 when you apply and pay your deposit for Program 1, running 1st – 21st July.  See our COURSES page for further details. For more information about what the course involves, keep a weather eye on our blog and newsletter – you can sign up for our newsletter in just a few seconds via this link.

Spring 2019 Registration NOW OPEN

You can now also register your interest for SPRING 2019 by emailing us at