Summer 2025: Apply by Monday 28th October and Save £500
Summer 2025: Apply by 28th Oct and Save £500
Summer 2025: Apply by 28th Oct and Save £500

Reach Cambridge Global Leaders 2016: Day 3

After a busy weekend, today marked the first day of classes for the Global Leaders’ students. Setting off after breakfast the Scientists set-out to learn how to become critical Scientists. The theme of the morning was ‘Healthy Scepticism’. The students learned to be wary of scientific findings reported in the Newspaper. We heard of the science behind claims such as “You must drink 10 glasses of water a day”, “Playing video games increases ones reaction times”, and “Chocolate gives you acne” to name but a few. Students presented findings, often contradictory, from reliable and unreliable sources but most importantly were critical of what made an article believable and trustworthy. The class ended with some fantastic debates which proved to us all that one could present a very good argument for and against a claim based on reported ‘facts’ by the media. The students learned to be sceptical of scientific reporting and cast a very critical, thoughtful eye upon the media’s influence on public perception. Global Leaders CourseMeanwhile in the Humanities class, students participated in excellent debates around the theme of gender and power. They approached topics such as Women driving, and the stereotypes surrounding it, and Hilary Clinton as the Democratic candidate for US Presidency. With lots of strong opinions and thoughtful minds the debates explored many ideas and many opinions. The respect shown by all students was remarkable and they all learned a great deal from each other. The students spent the afternoon playing sport or producing some phenomenal artwork. The evening lecture, given by Reach’s Director of Curriculum, Luke, was an eye-opening reminder of those people whom society has forgotten. The interactive talk and workshop discussed what makes us angry, the injustice of the world and how each and every one of us can make an impact, how we can remember those less fortunate. It was truly inspirational to hear the students’ ideas and plans on how they will make an impact in the future to fight the injustice and prejudice they feel so strongly against. So, it’s been a busy day! Day 1 of classes is finished and the students have certainly set the precedent, with such thought-provoking comments, fantastic debates and interesting questions – we have an exciting three weeks to come! Written by Charlotte, Corridor Supervisor