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Summer 2025: Apply by 28th Oct and Save £500
Summer 2025: Apply by 28th Oct and Save £500

Reach Cambridge July 2016: Day 3

Today, the students became properly familiarised with the concept of the ‘English summer’…  Grey clouds have loomed and released their gloomy loads over the city, yet the Reach Cambridge spirit remained undampened! This morning, the Law class took part in a mock trial (complete with judge’s wig and a jury of supervisors).  Then at lunchtime, Physics got the chance to learn about pressure and forces by releasing a water rocket metres and metres into the air.  I’m sure passers-by were surprised to see a small rubber missile zipping through the air by Queen’s College, but then again, given all the research that goes on in Cambridge, perhaps it wouldn’t be so odd after all… After lunch, tensions ran as high as the Physics class’s water rocket. The entire body of Reach Cambridge students took part in a series of challenges that tested their creativity, dexterity, general knowledge and team spirit (none of which were found to be lacking).  The stakes were unquestionably high, and the competition so fierce that a tie-breaker round had to be instigated to decide which team was crowned champion.  (The tie-breaker, if you were wondering, involved displacing Smarties using only a straw and suction control… Nail-biting stuff). Once the students had sourced dinner from the wide variety of eateries Cambridge has to offer, they returned to the Lecture Theatre to learn about personality psychology.  We were taught about the five key personality traits: openness to experience, conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, and extraversion.  It was very interesting to hear from a researcher who has had experience in business consultancy, especially regarding how personality types can make particular people more suited to certain jobs, and even affect how they respond to feedback.  Both Blaine, the lecturer, and the staff team were very impressed by the insightful and probing questions the students asked with such confidence and curiosity. As this is being typed, the students are busy busting their moves at the summer school disco, where the students of many different summer schools come together to have a great time. Some supervisors remained in Trinity Hall to organise karaoke (as well as pit their skills against one-another!). All in all, the day has been great fun for students and staff alike, and we look forward to our trip to Stratford-upon-Avon tomorrow! Written by Toby, Supervisr