Thursday drew the lessons of Week One to a close with lots of interesting excursions and experiments across the subjects. Literature and Creative Writing students had the opportunity to visit the Fitzwilliam Museum and Biotechnology went to the Zoology Museum, whilst other students very successfully performed scientific practicals. From making water-repellent surfaces in Engineering to growing and analysing bacteria in agar plates in Medicine and Life Sciences, today was a brilliant end to lessons for the first half of Program 1. Teachers throughout the week have commented on the enthusiasm of all the students, and we have all been so impressed with their keenness to learn and engage with the material and interact with each other!

Standing where many famous speakers have stood!
After lunch, students took all the skills they learnt in last night’s lecture to eloquently debate at the Cambridge Union under the motion ‘this house believes that a government should be run by experts rather than by democratically elected officials’. In the first debate, performed by students based at Sidney Sussex and Trinity Hall, the proposition came out victorious with 41 ayes and 33 noes. In Downing students’ turn, the ayes won again with 39 to 20 votes, but all students should be incredibly proud of their excellent debating!
The evening saw our students have corridor dinners, tucking in to lots of pizza whilst chatting to their friends and supervisors before joining in outdoor activities on Downing Paddock. The students have really enjoyed sports and arts and crafts this week, getting stuck in with football and frisbee as well as engaging with their creative sides in the beautiful weather.
All the students can’t wait for the exciting trips planned for tomorrow, keep an eye out on our social media for more updates throughout the day while students go to Stratford-Upon-Avon and Warwick Castle!