Summer 2025: Apply by Monday 28th October and Save £500
Summer 2025: Apply by 28th Oct and Save £500
Summer 2025: Apply by 28th Oct and Save £500

Summer 2021: Program 1 - Day 3

Today we headed off into the second full day of the program with escorting the students to breakfast just before 8am, as yesterday, before they headed off to their classes.

Journalism students sizing up the perfect photo!

The classes were filled with excitement: the Architecture class went on a field trip to visit the Cambridge Union; Journalism students got some fresh air and a mini tour of Cambridge with their teacher. Overall, all the students thoroughly enjoyed their classes again, including those in quarantine!

After class, the students were walked into town by two of the supervisors. There, they met those that had classes elsewhere and had some free time to wander around Cambridge city centre in the sunshine and grab lunch before walking back.


When back from town, it was time for the afternoon activities. One of our lovely students, Jenny, had a taster course in Creative Writing with her namesake Genny, with more due to take place tomorrow.

The results of Arts & Crafts

Those in quarantine had their outside exercise and seem to be bonding well with each-other, all of them sitting, socially distanced and enjoying each-other’s company IRL, as the youth say (in real life). The other students got their creative juices flowing in an Arts & Crafts session. It turns out we have many talented artists on the program – evidence of which can be seen in the photo to the right!

Dinner went off smoothly and everyone migrated to the Reddaway room to enjoy the evening notices. After that, excited students and even more excited staff members set up to watch the Euros 2020 semi-finals football match of Spain v Italy. It was a tense game ending in penalties and though Spain played well, they will not be going to the finals this year. With Jimena and Luciana rooting for Spain, they were understandably sad with the outcome. Though there will be lots of fun tomorrow with the England v Denmark match. It was definitely a fun way to end the day, allowing for more rivalries & bonding, and makes tomorrow’s match all the more exciting!

All in all, it was a great continuation of the programme and we look forward to tomorrow’s activities!