The Reach Cambridge Program 3 has officially started, and what a way to start!

Lessons outside in Trinity Hall College (taken from our Instagram Story)
The day started with a breakfast at Westminster College for our Trinity Hall, Christ’s and BBC students, while Downing students enjoyed a breakfast in Downing Dining Hall. Then, after that,
lessons took over as students got to meet their teachers and learn about what is in store for them over the next two weeks! Immunology, criminal law and an introduction to the mathematics used in physics; just some examples of what the students learned today. Even more, the sunny weather meant that some of the teachers decided to take their
classes outside, to the Latham Lawn or around Cambridge. What a great morning!
Then, the students got a well-deserved lunch break, where they had the opportunity to discover the more culinary side of Cambridge, with the wide variety of restaurants and foods.
Cambridge is a vibrant city with tourists from everywhere in the world, and is a host to a university that welcomes students from around the globe. Therefore, it is no surprise that this would be the city where you could find somewhere to eat from just about anywhere. Go to Aromi or Franco Manca for some great Italian food, or if you are craving sushi, then Itsu and Wasabi are a must.
(Editor’s Note: these suggestions are the opinion of Alvaro the writer and in no way purport to reflect the opinions of Reach as a company. #notsponsored!!!)
The afternoon was dedicated to discovering the most famous Cambridge landmarks in the famous scavenger hunt: the Reach Cambridge
Instravanganza. The students were grouped into teams and given clues to find famous sites in the city (King’s College chapel, the Corpus Christi Clock and the Fudge Shop amongst others). Each team was then tasked to create an Instagram account and upload the pictures,
#ReachCambridge2019. The winners will be announced shortly!
In the evening, the students teamed up again for some
icebreakers. Human Bingo and other team games allowed everyone to meet up together in team-building activities that challenged them and allowed to discover the interests of the rest of the students. It was great seeing all of the students involved and motivated!
Program 3 has now officially started and we, as staff, could not be happier to have everyone here! We have many things planned for this week and we expect great things to unfold as the students get to know each other better!

See you tomorrow!
Written by Alvaro