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Summer 2025: Apply by 31st Aug and Save £700
Summer 2025: Apply by 31st Aug and Save £700

Summer 2019: Program 1 - Day 0!

Welcome to the Reach Cambridge Summer Blog!

Here you will find a written update of the day’s events, written by members of the Reach Cambridge staff. We hope it will be an enjoyable and useful resource for parents and students alike. We are thrilled to be integrating our Instagram Story with the blog. This means that even those who do not follow us on Instagram (@reachcambridge) will be able to enjoy a more visual representation of the daily goings-on during the programs. You can also watch our Instagram Story on our Facebook Page, where the Story will also be updated… We’re so down with the kids! It’s been a busy and beautiful day here in Cambridge and we have been so excited to meet all the students and welcome them to Reach. Students have travelled from all across the globe to join us and were met by our friendly staff in our bright orange t-shirts at the airports and in Cambridge! The afternoon went by in a blur of sunshine, water, snacks, games of Monopoly and trivia, and, most importantly, a whole host of smiling new faces! Supervisors led a series of tours around Cambridge city centre, pointing out places of note such as banks, shops selling UK SIM cards, and some famous colleges along the way. After a hearty dinner, students were escorted to Trinity Hall for the Welcome Talk, given by Program Co-Directors Jenny & Precious. The Welcome Talk is always quite a watershed moment for the Senior Team especially – after a year of careful planning and preparation, it is wonderful to finally see all the young people whose names have populated our spreadsheets for so long. The students then met their corridor supervisors, who will be living on the same floor as them during their time with us. After a bit of time to bond and settle into their corridors, our students have been ushered to get a good night’s sleep. We’re always amazed by the stamina of those who have travelled such a long way to be with us! Tomorrow… Classes begin, and the students will have their first taste of the usual Reach Cambridge timetable. Make sure you come back to hear how it all goes – and if you’re on Facebook or Instagram, why not follow Reach Cambridge so you can follow our Story?

See you tomorrow!