Summer 2025: Apply by Saturday 31st August and Save £700
Summer 2025: Apply by 31st Aug and Save £700
Summer 2025: Apply by 31st Aug and Save £700

Sabre Auction

On August the 13th 2012, a group of eight deeply motivated students participating in the Reach Cambridge Summer course organised an auction. The aim of this event was to fundraise for the SABRE community which plans to offer new educational facilities and materials for kindergarten children in Ghana. Overall £800 was raised, making the auction an immense success! We must thank all our volunteers for auctioning their talents such as: guitar lessons, Language lessons (including German, Italian and French), hair and make up coupons, sports sessions and a variety of other choices to bid on. The community outreach group, consisting of eight bright students, decided to collaborate with SABRE because of their genuine aid to all children in Ghana. They have provided a video and publicity posters for this organisation, and finally decided to assemble this original and entertaining auction to raise awareness amongst the whole of the summer school. You can check out their video here: And find the SABRE website here.