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Summer 2025: Apply by 15th Sep and Save £650
Summer 2025: Apply by 15th Sep and Save £650

Program 3: Summer 2018 - Day 11

Was an especially packed day for our Reachers, who had the opportunity to shine not only in their academic classes, but also in a plethora  of artistic and physical activities. In the morning, our Mathematics class had a special lecture on cosmology given by a guest speaker. They  were given the chance to investigate  the beginnings of the universe and put all that they had been learning to use in a very different way!

After an intense but interesting penultimate morning of classes, some of our students visited the modern and contemporary Heong Gallery in Downing College. This gallery hosts a thought-provoking exhibition on the topic of communication and isolation. At the same time, a small but mighty contingent of students took up an athletic challenge and used the afternoon for one of the final opportunities to have their auction promises fulfilled and took part in a High Intensity Interval Training session, run by none other than captain of team fire and Program Coordinator extraordinaire, Tomini.  However, the highlight of the afternoon was undoubtedly the Downing College  Treasure Hunt! After being provided with a map and a series of clues, we were tasked with finding the treasure hidden deep within Downing College.

The evening brought with it my favourite part of the day: the Talent Show. Our supervisors opened the event with a hilarious and emotionally moving lip-sync of two iconic songs from Disney’s  (now classic) Frozen. The talents displayed tonight truly surpassed everybody’s expectations, as we watched performers dance to contemporary music, sing Indonesian acapella, rap, play the guitar and the violin – and we even had an expert on Star Wars take questions from the audience!

What a great way to end this truly remarkable penultimate day of the program.

Written by Tim, Supervisor