Summer 2025: Apply by Monday 28th October and Save £500
Summer 2025: Apply by 28th Oct and Save £500
Summer 2025: Apply by 28th Oct and Save £500

Program 2: Summer 2018 - Day 3

What. A. Day!

Computer Science Maze Solving

Our expert teachers continue to be amazed by the enthusiasm, hard work (and punctuality!!) of all their students. Our Computer Science Team continued to work on their automatic maze solvers using maths and programming, and our Engineers built bridges made of marshmallows and spaghetti (who knew that was possible??) despite the marshmallows melting in the midday sun! In the afternoon, the students were able to experience the famous tradition of punting. In groups of six per boat, students sailed under several bridges crossing the river Cam (all our minds were blown when we realised why the city is called Cam-bridge). Some tested their balance by expertly controlling the punts while others enjoyed the tranquil ride under the sunny weather.

Expert Balance

Throughout the day, our amazing team of super-supervisors made sure that everyone stayed hydrated by encouraging students and staff to drink plenty of water that they carried from place to place. In the evening, after a few general notices from the staff, the students eagerly headed to the summer disco to show off their best dance moves. Back in Trinity Hall, other students enjoyed a night of spoken word poetry! Already half-way through the first week, we are all having an amazing time and cannot wait to see what is in store for the rest of the program!!   Written by Alvaro (Supervisor/Register) & Matt (Teacher/Punting Queen)