Summer 2025: Apply by Monday 28th October and Save £500
Summer 2025: Apply by 28th Oct and Save £500
Summer 2025: Apply by 28th Oct and Save £500

Spring 2018: Day 4

Reach Cambridge is designed to not only give our students a taste of University life and an experience of Cambridge, but also to show them the best that the UK has to offer. Friday was all about the latter, with our students setting off bright and early this morning to head into London for a guided sightseeing tour and private look around the Houses of Parliament. The students arrived at the iconic Trafalgar Square, site of Nelson’s column and the National Portrait Gallery, where they were met by long-standing Tour-Guide-Extraordinaire, ‘Tricia. We were wowed by her knowledge, as students heard stories of some of London’s most famous landmarks and saw the Changing of the Guard. Learning all about the ‘Fourth Plinth’ in Trafalgar Square which currently displays an art installation made entirely from date syrup tins from Iraq, the students were then asked to design what they would put on the plinth if they had the chance. Following this, we had the chance to see Buckingham Palace up close having walked down the world famous Mall.   At Lunchtime we had a group picnic in St James’ Park, the site of a Medieval pig farm for Leprosy sufferers, a Tudor Deer park and a zoo home to crocodiles and exotic birds. Thankfully today there were no predators in sight, just a beautiful space for some students resting their feet after some intense learning and walking, whilst others engaged in some impromptu sport with Kate and Jenny. The Houses of Parliament, also known as the Palace of Westminster, are the centre of all political action in the United Kingdom, where the most important decisions are taken and citizens’ voices are heard. We were incredibly lucky to receive a private tour of the building before it closes for renovations for two years. Students were able to see the famous green benches of the House of Commons, where Prime Ministers have for centuries stood to deliver inspiring speeches. From Churchill to Blair, our students shadowed the footsteps of former greats as they prepare for Public Speaking and Leadership workshops this weekend. In the evening, the students returned to Reach Hall for dinner and activities. We were treated to food from a local Gourmet Burger restaurant, as everyone had some well deserved relaxation time after a day on their feet. Everyone heads to bed having well and truly earned their dinner this evening, and looking forward to their return to subject classes tomorrow morning!

Apply for Summer 2018 – Save up to £300 

From now until 11.59pm on 9th April, you will save £300 when you apply and pay your deposit for Program 1, running 1st – 21st July.  See our COURSES page for further details. For more information about what the course involves, keep a weather eye on our blog and newsletter – you can sign up for our newsletter in just a few seconds via this link.

Spring 2019 Registration NOW OPEN

You can now also register your interest for SPRING 2019 by emailing us at