Autumn is one of my favourite times of the year. Cambridge looks beautiful as the leaves change to red and gold; there’s that lovely crisp weather when the sun is shining but you need to wrap up warm; and I don’t know about you, but I get that back-to-school impulse to buy lots of new stationery… Maybe the best bit, though, is the opportunity to reflect on another great Reach summer.
2017 was our biggest summer ever, with students joining us from 50 different countries. They told us that making friends from around the world was one of their favourite things about the Reach experience:
I met so many unforgettable people from all over the world. Deema
The best thing about Reach is the community and the friends that I made. Aseel
Reach Cambridge is an experience I won’t ever forget… I got to meet a lot of amazing people from all around the globe. Nadifa
I have made friends for eternity and memories for life. Eduardo
During the three programs, students joined one of 29 subject courses, from Biotechnology to Business Management & Economics, and from Psychology to English as a Second Language:
The classes were so interesting, engaging and enjoyable, and the teachers were inspiring. Angela
The lessons were exciting and truly interesting.
Our subject class was amazing.

But the students weren’t just learning inside the classroom…
I learned so much about other cultures and about myself. Stella
I’ve learned so much about myself and the future that I want. Rand
I learned to be confident, how to be a leader, and how to accept anyone and everyone. Lea
One of my greatest achievements here at Cambridge is learning how to do my own laundry! Adeline
In fact, some students didn’t want to leave:
I am so sad to leave… I will miss the amazing people I met, the incredible classes and teachers, the lovely supervisors and the beautiful Cambridge city and community. Angela
I am so happy here, I really don’t want to leave.

And some wish they could come back:
Adventure of a lifetime. If I could repeat it each year, I would do it! Stéphanie
So fun, I wish I could do it again. Marcelo
Basically, it was the best summer ever…
The best time of my life. Daisy
The best thing I have ever been a part of. Zazu
The best decision I ever made. Hamza

And the students of 2017 will never forget it!
Reach Cambridge was an amazing experience that I will never forget. Ecem
This experience has been wonderful and one that I would never forget. Prithvi
We love having students with us in Cambridge during the summer, but it’s in autumn, once the programs have ended, that Reach reveals its full impact. Students take the lessons they learned, the friends they made, the sense of freedom and responsibility they enjoyed, and the memories they shared, with them wherever they go and whatever they do next.
My horizons have been expanded, my heart has been filled with love, and my world has been made immeasurably better. Rhyleigh
Applications for Spring and Summer 2018 are now open – take a look at our programs
here, we hope to see you next year!