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Summer 2025: Apply by 23rd Sep and Save £625
Summer 2025: Apply by 23rd Sep and Save £625

Reach Cambridge July summer program 2014: Arrival Day!

Today, the Reach Cambridge July program started with the exciting arrival of the students from all over the world – Japan, Germany, Canada, Lebanon and so many more! Despite the heavy rain, the excitement and friendly atmosphere were not dampened in the slightest. And at the end of the day, a beautiful rainbow appeared over Cambridge to welcome the new arrivals!

The students were introduced to their new homes for the next three weeks – Downing College, Trinity Hall College and Christ College. I was located in Downing College, where I was able to meet all the students on their arrival, and I was especially happy to see everyone’s big bright smile. In the afternoon I took the students on a tour of Downing College and the local supermarket. During the tour, they were able to discover the spectacular buildings and spacious gardens. The students will be enjoying the life as a student of the university, living in the college rooms and using the facilities of the college, and to some students’ shock – they’ll also have the pleasure of using the laundry facilities themselves, and experience life as a real university student!

Rainbow over CambridgeThroughout the afternoon, the students were able to settle in and meet others from all across the globe, and for the evening, it was filled with laughter over a large gathering of the students and supervisors for dinner in the beautiful halls of Trinity Hall College.

Afterwards, students were introduced to their corridor supervisor. Rules and regulations were a definite for the first day, but along with those was a happy dose of introductions and games to get to know everybody else on their corridor and their corridor supervisor. As a corridor supervisor of ten girls, I am very excited for the next few weeks living together!

Finally, after a tiring day of travelling, the students and supervisors headed to bed early, ready for an exciting week ahead!

Written by Yuen-Man Law, Supervisor