Reach Cambridge July 2016: Day 13

Today at Reach Cambridge our students got a reward for their wonderful participation over the last two weeks – a lie in! With a later breakfast and a few hours off in the morning, we kicked off the end of Week 2 with the Fete of Fun. The Fete of Fun was organized by the Community Outreach team and supported by the supervisors, and involved various game stalls, henna, face painting and lots of snacks and refreshments. It took place in the sprawling grounds of Jesus Green, which gave our students the chance to see a part of Cambridge that they had not explored yet. The fete was held to raise awareness and money for the charity that Reach Cambridge partners with – SABRE – that works to sustainably improve education for young children in Ghana. The event was a roaring success, with students trying to eat doughnuts hanging from tree branches, knocking cans off with soft balls, and playing in 7-a-side football tournaments – all in the name of charity! After the exciting afternoon of fun and games and charity, the students dispersed to grab some dinner before the second half of an amazing day – cinema and bowling. We walked to the Leisure Center where we split off to either bowl with our supervisors or to watch movies at the cinema, with a wide variety of movies on offer from “Secret Life of Pets” to “Now You See Me 2”. Our students were walked back to college after these fun activities, where they got a good night’s rest before the excursion to London tomorrow. What a wonderful way to finish two exciting weeks before we enter our final week of Reach Cambridge 2016. Written by Sanjukta, Community Outreach Coordinator